当前位置: 首页 >目的地 >中国 >陕西 >西安 >户县 >西安广新园民族村


  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍



  • 女神卡卡
  • 壁尕花
    很多年前去的 呢会上学赶上暑假跟父亲单位一起 环境 什么的都还不错 就是吃饭有很多单位在一起 都点乱 去的时候还赶上了泼水节 抢亲抛绣球什么的 很是好玩
  • French_American4
    We were able to spend one day in Xi'an to visit the city and the Terra Cotta soldiers museum site. DingYi was there to pick us up at the train station and we spent a terrific day touring and learning about this former capital of China. DingYi was informative and made us feel very welcomed. His prices were very reasonable and we treated with utmost respect. We truly were welcomed to Xi'an and only wished that we could have spent more than one day there!
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