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nativos tours

nativos tours

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • QuinM988
    I travel solo, and it can sometimes be a challenge to find guides or tour operators willing to accommodate me, unless there is another group going that I can join. No problem with Nativos Tours. Memo, the owner and encyclopedic brain behind this operation, happily lead me on a wonderful adventure to visit a small community coop of individual coffee growers in the mountains outside of San Ramon. Much more interesting and revealing to me than a visit to a larger, corporate outfit. Not only was the visit with Don Pedro and his family illuminating about the entire international Fair Trade coffee industry, but the gentle hike up there and back was breathtaking and interesting. Memo has an eagle eye, and can spot the smallest birds, animals and insects, and can tell you the name and species of just about any tree, plant or weed you will come across. His warm, kind company and broad knowledge of the environment and community made me feel like I could not have been in better hands. It was like spending the day with a good friend, in a bewitching place. Highly recommended.
  • Nicaragua_fb
    I contacted Memo (the owner of Nativos Tours) to ask if he could offer a running tour of Matagalpa. It wasn't something that was in his tour offer at the time but he was very happy to propose a trail run to the beautiful nature reserve of Apante and another run to a waterfall through scenic countryside with stunning mountain views. It was great to meet someone who is so willing to tailor tours; as well as adventurous, fit and very knowledgeable about the local area and nature. Another bonus for me is the companies' commitment to ecotourism, sustainability and celebrating local artists and people. Memo is great guide and is an asset to the tourism industry here in Matagalpa and beyond. I thoroughly recommend NATIVOS TOURS!
  • StinesP
    I went on a coffee tour with my guide Guillermo. Besides all the information you need about coffee he also explained a lot about Matagalpa, Nicaragua, seeds, trees, plants and all kinds of wildlife. He was well prepared with everything you need to survive and even some small books about plants and animals of Nicaragua. Guillermo is a guide who is very interested in nature but also very interested in the life of his tourists. I didn't have much time in Matagalpa but I would love to go on more tours with Nativos Tours, they are worth the money!I stayed in a great hostel called: La Buena Onda. They recommended Nativos Tours, and after asking, in 10 minutes Guillermo came over to explain more about the tours, perfect combo!
  • craigmyr
    I met with Memo after being referred to him by my hostel host. We mapped out his plan for our day discovering the Guanuca Market, picking up fruit, cheese, and tortillas and then headed for the town of San Ramon. There we visited a community about a 2 mile walk from town and had a great time learning about the flora and fauna of the area. Upon arriving at the community, we met with Don Pedro, a learned resident there and began to learn about the coffee plantation we were about to tour. More beautiful scenery and conversation with and between Memo and Pedro as we toured the coffee plantation. On returning to Pedro's home, we ate fruit from the market and bananos grown on the plantation and drank the community grown coffee while being entertained by Pedro and his guitar. It was a wonderful day of exercise and relaxation. Good food and great company. Don Pedro was very accommodation and informative and my tour guide, and owner of Nativos, Memo, was a delightful and informative young man that really seems to love his job and cares about the economic and environmental future of his home town and his country. I would look forward to spending more days in his company and under his tutelage. I highly recommend Nativo Tours and Memo.
  • Yuvalchibo
    I visited Matagalpa last December and wanted to explore the area, as it is full of nature all around, I thought I should hire a tour guide, luckily I had a recommendation from the hostel owner to meet up with Memo, and see what he has to offer, from the first moment I knew I made the right choice, this guy is all about nature,he was very informative, and seems like he really loves what he's doing, regarding the fact that he is just a really cool guy...I ended up staying in his family house (home stay) which made my stay in Matagalpa even better.
  • Myyna
    Today we've spend about 7 hours long tour through the cloud forest Selva Negra with guide named Guilermo. He is really excellent, he knows everything about the nature and attractions around Matagalpa. This young man is running his own bussines and he is doing his best to be helpful and good guide. The tour included food, so he brings lots of fruit and on the end of the track he took us to the local restaurant to try one of the most delicious food I've eat in Nica. Rest of the time we spent chating about nature, Matagalpa, tourism and Nicaragua in general. It was really nice day!
  • PasEl2916
    Juan unser Guide ist ein totaler Naturliebhaber, was man sofort spürt. Er spricht ausgezeichnet Englisch und weiß sehr viel über die Geschichte Nicaraguas oder auch selbstverständlich die Natur. Wir haben mit ihm eine Kaffeetour gemacht. Bevor man die Plantage einer einheimischen Familie besichtigt, besucht man einen lokalen Markt auf den man sonst sicherlich niemals kommen würde. Hier präsentieren sich die kochenden Frauen sehr stolz bei der Arbeit und sind absolut nicht fotoscheu. Im Anschluss isst man eine Mais-Tortilla mit Käse. Was wir noch sehr gut fanden: er hat sich auf die europäischen Mägen eingestellt und hat stets ein Desinfektionsmittel für die Hände dabei. So konnten wir auch guten Gewissens mit den Händen essen. Was uns ebenfalls noch sehr gut gefallen hat ist, dass diese kleinen Touren den einheimischen Familien zu Gute kommen und nicht den riesigen, reichen Kaffeeplantagen. Abends isst man dann in einem lokalen Restaurant indem sicherlich keine anderen Touris sitzen außer man selbst :-)
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