A visit to the T'Boli community is a must. The national Artist Lamdulay expertly weaves the tinalak and teaches the dying art to her successors. Please support the tribe by purchasing their products or paying to rent their costumes. Great Facebook photos! A visit to their museum also gives you a new sense of respect and understanding of this peace loving people. Support our indigenous communities and preserve their art and culture!
Went to visit Lang Dulay by motorbike. Never realized it was so far away from the town. A privileged to meet her and her grandchildren. Motorbike drivers are the best, honest and they know their place very well.
Lake Sebu and the 7Falls are the main attractions here. Dine with Tilapia fish grown in Lake Sebu and take a trip to the 7Falls and if you dare ride on the longest and highest zip line. Various cooking preparations of the Tilapia fish are available at reasonable prices. The falls are in pristine condition, the water is flowing strong, truly beautiful.A must visit when in General Santos City.
If you go to the lake from Koronadal you will pass 7 Falls, My advise is: go up that mountain. Beautifull falls, and a zipline for the dare devils. Lake Cebu; eat and watch the dance from the t'boli. The fish fresh from the lake., enjoy
Heyu Helafus - Good MorningHeyu Kemdaw - Good dayHeyu Getungo- Good noonHeyu Kimel - Good afternoonHeyu Kifu - Good evening.Kenbong Nawahu uu. I love you.
ジェネラルサントスから車で約2時間半、コロナダル市西方の山地に少数民族ティボリが住んでいます。コロナダル市のモットーは各民族は仲良く暮らそうです。Lake Sebu方面に行く市内のロータリーにはそのモニュメントがあります。ティボリは頭が良いそうで、フィリピン各地の有名大学への進学者が多いそうです。Lake Sebuには名物のピラニア料理があります。ティボリにはガムランのような音楽があります。。Dole社のプライベートゴルフコースのクラブハウスに置いてありました。またダバオ空港のARRIVAL出口で演奏しているのを見たことがあります。