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parc john-h. molson outdoor sakting rink

parc john-h. molson outdoor sakting rink

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • pmallette
    What a great experience, skating during the evening on a dimly lighted trail in the forest...you have to try this.. no wind, very calm, always great ice conditions, on some nights, they have special events. Oh by the way, the ''changing'' room is clean, well heated , so are the bathrooms.
  • thirdtrip
    St-Sauveur has produced a gem of a skating path.....2 km. through the woods with different trails. There are benches along the way for older folks as myself. Nice changing room. It is the most enjoyable place to skate.
  • rogerhaughey
    This is a skating rink with a twist - in addition to a normal oval for hockey and one for free skating, there are several trails to kate in the woods. With rock bluffs and beautiful trees, lighted (but not too much) at night, this is a great free family activity, or a romantic getaway. Allez-y!
  • ScottW505
    This hidden gem is a must for couples at night and the kids during the day. It has a little hockey rink with nets that kids can shoot the puck around and at night the skating paths are all light up through the woods. A very romantic skate with the snow falling. There is a heated building to change and has bathroom facilities.
  • SandraKo
    We look forward to this every time we go. Two huge skating rinks and a beautiful skating path that takes you through the woods. It's lit up in the evening - the path and the rink, so lots of fun to skate through the woods at night. The ice is well maintained and there's a small chalet with bathrooms and a changing area. There's a water park for young children here in the summer but we only go in Winter, to skate.
  • SpookyVail
    beaux sentiers de patins à glace...très bien entretenus avec surveillance et chalet pour mettre nos patins
  • Jaimelabiere
    Un excellent endroit pour patiner, pleins de sentiers et 2 chalets.aucun frais et du plaisir garantie.
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