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la maison des dunes

la maison des dunes

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 282Juliette282
    Have good hiking shoes on as there is lots to do there, we walk up to the top, Oh have some bugs spray, comfortable pants and top lots to see there.
  • ebbtide123
    Strange to find a gigantic sand dune in Tadoussac but there it is- roughly as tall perhaps as a 15 story building and approx 1 km wide. This was apparently formed by glacial deposition and erosion millions of years ago. Drive towards the end of Chemin du Moulin a-Baude. From there, hike down the shore approx 1.2 kms.through rough terrain of gravel, forest, flood streams, and shrubbery. Wear comfortable hiking shoes. We saw teens and adults alike sand-ski from the top all the way down. It wasn't so difficult as we had loads of fun slaloming.
  • Y124IRmariel
    Si vous en avez la chance, allez vous balader en forêt! Magnifique vue panoramique et jolies chutes.
  • 84alainb
    Assez surprenant de trouver ici une dune aussi haute . La pente permettrait de faire du ski en surplombant le fleuve .
  • junegcg
    Lieu sympathique avec une vue magnifique sur le fleuve, plusieurs sentiers partent afin de pouvoir faire de belle balade.Possibilité de prendre une collation en saison
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