I was so suprised how big and modern the museum was! The different rooms and levels (or more their activities, photos and exhibits) kept me absorbed for a good part of the day. There really is something here for everyone :) tourist or local young or old definitely worth checking out!
Recently reopened, the expanded and refurbished Museum is now run by Tweed Shire Council professional staff and builds on the great work done over decades by committed volunteers of the Murwillumbah Historical Society (the Society still operate out of the Museum). This is an excellent facility and, along with the Tweed Regional Gallery (and its Margaret Olley Centre), World Heritage Rainforest Centre etc., make Murwillumbah such a great day trip destination.
The old museum has been closed for ages and the new renovations were finished and it re-opened last year. It is amazing! so professional, clean and fresh, with great stories about the towns history. definitely worth a visit and an asset to the town along side the gallery.