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hamilton botanic gardens

hamilton botanic gardens

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • corrinal236
    Fantastic shire-run event. Wonderful surroundings in our superb gardens which all visitors should make an effort to visit and enjoy - you will not be disappointed. The great grass landscape is fun to roll down when the weather is agreeable. The paths meander and provide lots of surprises. The playground is fun for the little ones. But the toilets are overdue for an update.
  • MeMock
    Nicely located in the middle of town this small park is quite nice. There are some lovely old trees within and heaps of history in the park. The playground in one corner is very small and the toilets had a massive blowfly problem. There is a walk through aviary but unfortunately it was closed due to a tree fall. Nice to walk through but I would have to say that the Horsham Botanic gardens are a little nicer.
  • Leoniec8
    Love this little slice of green and history. The love of my life to visit botanical gardens in Australia and the world. Centrally located, easy parking and close to lots of eating places
  • Alys-Schatzi
    These botanical gardens are among the oldest and largest in regional Victoria. The land was surveyed in the 1850s and the gardens laid out and planted in the 1870s with the involvement of a famous designer of the day. The Gardenesque style dominates, with big old specimen trees the stars. A menagerie was an early and popular feature, and there are still an aviary and an animal enclosure. Allow about 20 minutes to do a walking circuit of the perimeter. You'll notice the usual Victorian-era features (a cannon, statuary, memorials, a fountain), and also some fine old iron fences and gates and some handsome old buildings (residential and institutional) facing the gardens. The informational signs are excellent. Locals say there are now advanced plans for an appropriate revamp of the gardens.
  • Rantolo87
    Piacevolissimo ricordo di quest o parco situato nel cuore della cittadina. Ci siamo fermati ed abbiamo fatto pranzo in una zona BBQ all'interno del parco. Davvero carino e tenuto a meraviglia!!
  • Liudmila110
    Замечательное место в жаркий день. После моря шли пешком и ботанический сад был нам по пути, мы решили совместить приятное с полезным. Тень деревьев спасала от жары, но и знакомство с растительностью острова нам не помешает
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