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museo de las culturas

museo de las culturas

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • RogerD272
    Museum gave us a good idea of the history and culture of the city and area. Loved the historical musical instrument display. Costumes worn during festivals were so colourful and unique. All in Spanish but easily understood by all photos.
  • world-gypsy-gal
    the building is old with the inner courtyard and the museo has some nice exhibits about what the people do and did in the area. the Kichwa are very talented in many areas. a room of musical instruments and old pictures, a room with costumes for the various festivals. worth a visit. $2
  • TibetVisitor
    The museum is near the town square of Cotacachi (leather town).Small but full of interesting displays.Gave us more understanding of the local culture and that of the country.The staff was wonderful.Like the town of Cotacachi, the museum is very clean and organized.It is also free.
  • novato1953
    Cotacachi is the size of a mouse as towns go, but it has the heart and the pride of a lion, as you're sure to learn here. It's also got the only elevator in town, which runs all the way to the top, on the second floor.
  • 598barryd
    Excellent review of the History of the area. Beautiful historical building and well cared for and used probably not enough.
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