If you are lucky enough to spend some days in one of the prettiest Greek islands, Kea (also known as Tzia), don't miss her stone lion.You can leave your car at Hora, high on the hills and have a nice walk trough the village, about 15 minutes. Wonderful landscape, breathtaking terraces.Make sure to read the ancient myth about the lion before starting your walk, and spot it from afar. Once you arrive at his location, enjoy the view,the atmosphere and immerge yourself in the same myth that took place here 2000 years back. But remember, it has been there for more than 2000 years, treat him with respect.
Nice place, fresh air with great view. We were there on our own which was nice. The lion statue that is there for over 2000 years is great. Nice day trip!
this is a charming walk through the village of Hora, with wondering hillside goats, beautiful church & scenic views. Must be able to climb a bit of stairs & have good shoes.On way back stop in village for lunch or dinner.
Every time we have visited Kea, since we first discovered this almost unknown Cycladean island, over the past thirty-two years, we have made a pilgrimage to visit the lion. His face is so benign that it is easy to believe he has done all the feats that legend attributes to him.Even though he sits on his rock across the valley from the capital (only a village itself) it is only a ten minute walk to get around the path. Well worth the effort, even on a hot August day.
an archaic stone lion carved out of rock in the middle of nowhere! Long walk in hot sun to get there
Un petit sentier nous y conduit, facile d'accès, belle vue environnante, avec arrêt à la grande fontaine où il fait bon se rafraîchir en revenant . A faire
Voilà un petit tour à faire le soir avant diner et découvrir ce monument impressionnant: sculpture d'un lion couché d'environ 5 m de long, datant du 6e s. avant JC, surplombant les oliviers et figuiers plantés en terrasse. Très joli!!
Ωραία διαδρομή για τους λάτρεις της πεζοπορείας. Προσοχή, να έχετε το νου σας για την είσοδο καθώς η επιγραφή είναι αρκετά διακριτική. Καλό είναι να πάτε απόγευμα για να μη σας πιάσει πολύ ήλιος, άλλα ούτε το βράδυ.
Ένα λιοντάρι σκαλισμένο το οποίο ήταν ένας βράχος κ σκαλίστηκε στη μορφή αυτή. Είναι πάρα πολλών ετών. Είναι κοντά στη χώρα ενώ εκεί θα κάτσεις πιο λίγο από θα κάνεις να πας. Αξίζει όμως κ αυτός ο μικρός περίπατος!