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odyssey diving and sea kayak club

odyssey diving and sea kayak club

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Odyssey Diving and Sea Kayak Club is located on the entrance of Vathy...


  • Alvl1
    Went diving !first time!the whole thing was so well organized and absolutely safe!!!BRAVO we were so much impressed!we love the deep blue....
  • EspenSOre
    Ithaki island is extremely well suited for sea kayaking. There are beached you only can go to by boat, and some of them are difficult to approach with ordinary botas but no problems with a kayak. And the scenery and views along the coast are stunning. George Lilas who rund the Odyssey Diving and Sea Kayak Club is freindly, know a lot about the nature on Ithaki, and gives more than very satisfying service: with his help we got to different starting and end points along the coast and only miss one days journey to complete a circumvention of the island. We hope to do this next year - and then start all over again.
  • Kassie26
    The sea kayaking with George the instructor was amazing. George was very knowledgable and had some great stories and information about the island of Ithaca. The scenery is stunning and the water crystal clear. sea kayaking has to be the absolute best way to see the island and access those hidden coves and beaches! Thoroughly recommend it. It was the highlight of our holiday!
  • ghiottos
    the very small scale of the trip (max 4 people + the instructor ) adds to the very friendly feel of the place. The introduction to diving course started with a basic (but not boring, even though I had heard in once before) theory part before we got into the water. Even though he continuously monitored us and made sure we were okay we got quite a bit of freedom as well to look around. Last time I did something like this they literally held our hands every single second we were under water.He also made pictures which he will send us for free, but I haven't seen them yet as he has to sharpen them digitally before he wants to send them.
  • thanja
    Oh that's my favorite so far.. I have a story for this sort of scenery and sensations.. It is only in Greece and specially the Ithaca island that I get the feeling of being suspended between the seas and the heavens... Ithaca is the place where your rest and your soul rests... There is nothing more therapeutic that letting your body float between the seas and the skies..The team of "Odyssey Diving and Sea Kayak Club"offers you the chance to live it!Live your dreams by following the instructions of the experienced and welcoming guys and let them show you how to dive into this extreme and joyful opportunity
  • George_Bernidakis
    I did my first diving lesson with them and they where great! You can see that they are experienced at that field and that they love their job. Keep up the good work guys!
  • Timhodsman
    For someone who hadn't dived for 4 years George and Panos made the experience easy, safe and pleasurable. They provided a good standard of equipment and everything was well organised. I hope to be back next year.
  • runner-ohz
    Per Zufall hatten wir das Gebäude von Odyssey gesehen und gleich nachgefragt, ob wir Kajaks mieten könnten. Georgios Lilas bot uns eine geführte Tour von Vathy nach Sarakiniko an. Die haben wir gebucht. Morgens um 10 Uhr ging es los. Georgios war selbst der Guide. Wir waren nur zwei Gäste. Aber das war kein Problem. Das Wetter war traumhaft. Die Segler machten sich auf den Weg aus dem Hafen und zogen an uns vorbei. Unsere Tour ging vorbei an vielen kleinen Buchten. Das Wasser war kristallklar. Wir konnten bis auf den Grund schauen. Ich bin diese Tour schon öfter mit dem Motorboot gefahren. Aber jetzt diese Entschleunigung, ganz nahe an den Felsen lang, das war einfach traumhaft. Wir hatten einen ganz anderen Blick auf die Landschaft und das Wasser. Georgios erklärte uns sehr viel von der Insel. Unterwegs legten wir in kleinen Buchten an. Georgios hatte Taucherbrillen und Flossen mitgenommen, so dass wir auch Schnorcheln konnten. Die Zeit verging wie im Fluge. Ich schätze, dass wir drei Stunden unterwegs gewesen wären. Doch als wir in Sarakiniko ankamen, waren 5 Stunden vergangen. Das war ein einmaliges Erlebnis. Ich kann es nur jedem empfehlen. Wir haben Ithaka aus einer ganz anderen Perspektive entdeckt. Bei unserem nächsten Besuch werden wir wieder eine Tour machen. Georgios hat uns schon einen Vorschlag gemacht. Der klingt auch sehr vielversprechend. Wir haben pro Person 40 € gezahlt, incl. Guide, zwei Boote, Verpflegung, wasserdichte Taschen für unsere Sachen und Fotos, die Georgios unterwegs gemacht hat. Das ist ein sehr günstiger Preis für diese Leistung. George, thank you very much for this wonderful trip.
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