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ehemalige synagoge

ehemalige synagoge

  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • vakantiejozef
    1668, Timber framing, partially solid, Mansard roof, probably 18th or 19th century. 1441 First mentioning of a Jewish inhabitant (money lender). 1498, Landgrave Wilhelm III von Hessen (who was then the tennant of the city) granted a 6-year protection to a Jewish family and servants, who originated from Vallendar near Koblenz. In 1808 there was a synagogue, but was in 1827 in dilapidated state. The 10 Jewish families, although some lived in miserable circumstances, rebuilt an older house from1668 (above entrance inscripted 1668) into a synagogue, it was opened in 1832. The financing was arranged by letting of the synagogue seats. There was also a religious Jewish school, a ritual bath and a cemetery. In 1933 about 40 Jews lived in the city. Due the economic , the increasing lawlessness and the reprisals the following years most of them were transferred or did emigrate. In1939 the last few moved out after Kristallnacht 1938 (night of the broken glass), the synagogue and several Jewish houses were destroyed. Ritual objects such as such as Hanukkah candlesticks were stolen and carried around in an offensive manner, a Torah scroll was attached to the hearse of the Jewish community, thus unrolling whilst driving, after which SA-members pawed on it, set it on fire and threw it into the Rhine. However, the synagogue remained preserved and was later converted into a residential home. By 10 August 1939 was Rhens "judenrein" (Nazi term for “clean of Jews”).
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