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  • monicdavid
    This church of St. Goar, past from Catholic to Protestant. You can see a lot of older artistic elements, like the crypt of St. Goar, from the 12th century with frescoes of the 15th century. The town, later was give the name of the Saint.
  • JACoombs
    A surprise, the parish church of St. Goar, though Protestant, retains much older artistic elements from its days as a Catholic Church. This includes the crypt of St. Goar, reportedly dating back to the XIIth century and extensive primitive frescoes of the late XVth century. The church itself was the first in the area to be designated Protestant based on the election of the local ruler (in about 1527).
  • Jinna50
    It is worthwhile to stop here and take in this amazing old church. Originally a Catholic church, today it is Protestant. Building began around the 6th century and continued at various point over the next 400 years or so. The hermit priest St. Goar came there to live and the town now named for him. He is actually buried in the crypt below the church.The interior is quite interesting and despite the various austere ornamentation offers a light and serene ambiance. If you are a lover of very old churches, definitely take this one in.
  • folieske4
    Its interior is extremely light and airy and thus easily made pix. It has beautiful headstones and reliefs, great frescos at its vaulted ceiling, espacially the 17th century sculpture of a Madonna and child I did like, and an odd but beautiful pulpit. Its exterior is typical in white and red colour. In the 8th Century Prüm Abbey had the “Oratorio Sancta Maria” built in St. Goar, and it was dedicated to Goar priest monk holy Goar (Saint Goar). After a 1089 fire the church had an extensive reconstruction in1100 , its Krypta had been preserved. After being used for nearly 1000 years it became delipitated (no masses could take place) thus was it used as charnel house and demplished in 1772. The Arc de Triomphe, the choir walls and 3-beech Romanesque crypt (devided by 2 rows columns) were built around 1100, it got its current appearance mainly in the 15th century, formerly the bones of hl St Goar were kept in this crypt, until half of the 13th century construction choir towers and choir took place. 1444-1469 Had Landgrave Philipp Katzenelnbogen the older the three nave Gallery and western tower built. His son Philipp II and wife Palatine Countess Anna Elisabeth von Bayern were burried in the Chapel on the north side. By 1479 the von Katzenelnbogen Genus got extinct, successors were beneficial heirs markgraves von Hesse-Darmstadt, in 1528 he carried out the Reformation and abrogated the Church. In its interior a 15th century late Gothic stone pulpit and valuable headstones.
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