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church of st. severus

church of st. severus

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    This large white church, which dates back to the 13th century, dominates...


  • 815AngelaB
    Visit St Severus - a beautiful Romanesque church in Boppard. An ancient Church on an even more ancient site. Sit and enjoy the peace - or be lucky and be there when the organist is playing. the magnificent notes soaring upwards to the heavens above. Some wonderful stained glass, particularly the more modern windows. And bells - if you are staying near St Severus - as we were - be warned. The bells ring quarterly throughout day and night and at 10 pm there is a long carillon warning that the city gates are closing and all good citizens should be in bed! Earplugs - annoyance - or charmed - whichever - St Severus was standing long before our own puny selves!
  • gowithcourage
    A beautiful old church with wonderful stained glass windows, right in the centre of the village. There was not a charge to enter when we were there. The steple can be seen far away from the village and was beautiful at night
  • PatriciaM529
    We didn't have much time as we were with the coach, so got a leaflet from Tourist Information in the Marktplatz, and went into the nearby St Severus. It is a very handsome building, with lovely windows. Glad we went inside to look round.
  • composthappens
    If you are in Boppard be sure to carve out a little time to go inside this beautiful church. It will be time well spent.
  • Kinglyshygirl
    We visited this church just as a saxophone quartet were about to give a recital. It was a really nice way to spend an hour and the interior if the church is so beautiful.
  • UKTravellers89
    Just another big rebuilt churchDon't waste your time here unless you need spiritual guidance The are itself is so beautifully ,and there are better things to see
  • JoelY55490
    If you are in Boppard, by all means visit the church of St. Serverus. Its right in the middle of town, and is the tallest structure in Boppard. The church is late Romanesque, and has lovely painted arches inside. The community has donated a lot of lovely stained glass windows so you will be very impressed. The organ is a great example of middle Rhein organ artwork. The normal entrance is on the market side, and is handicapped accessible. Historical information is available inside the church in several languages.
  • jermala
    It was so serine , as I walked round you could feel the presence of goodness , also you must look up to see the amazing pipes of the organ
  • meggie26
    Right in the centre of the town, this church is a lovely sanctuary where you can spend a moment or two in quietude. Superb stained glass windows light up its spacious old interior and there is a really calming feel to the place. Interesting artefacts dating back to Roman times are also on display and, although only captioned in the German language, they add something to the experience.
  • Hackford
    After leaving Carmelite Church a second peal of bells guided us to St. Severus which made our walk around Boppard very enjoyable.Do enter the church which is well worth a visit,
  • Eastonia
    This church was built in 12th and 13th centuries, and is one of Boppard’s landmarksalthough dark inside, if you are taking photographers, use a good flash-gun. A booklet is available on the church for a small donation. The Crucifix which hangs above the altar depict the cruxifitction of Jesus Christ, note his feet are apart and not nailed together as depicted in other Crucifixes. The Bells in the tower are one of the oldest set of medieval bells In Germany. Maybe you are looking for a little peace and tranquility, regardless of what you are seeking this church is well worth a visit, in what used to be a Roman City .
  • folieske4
    Extremely dark inside, very difficult to take pictures. Contrasting colors of white / grey / Bordeaux. Beautifull ceiling!
  • grammy3158
    We were only in Boppard for a short visit. We were a tour with Cosmos. We boarded our Boat for our Rhine Cruise there. I took lots of pictures of buildings, the beautiful church and the statue of the "Young Scamp". I want to return to Boppard for an extended stay. I have been searching and have found a Bed and Breakfast owned by Haus Weller. I will get in contact with them. I wish I could find more information on the Statue of "young Scamp". Germany on a whole is a beautiful and clean county. The food at the restaurants in Boppard were very good.
  • 雄君ママ
  • DakotaMan
    Die mehr als 750 Jahre alte romanische Kirche sollte man auf jeden Fall besichtigen.Lohnt sich. Die Deckenmalereien haben mir besonders gut gefallen.
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