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rhineland museum (rheinisches landesmuseum)

rhineland museum (rheinisches landesmuseum)

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    This museum chronicles the history and culture of Trier and the Mosel...


  • Beto79
    What I like about this place was the roman period of Trier. They have a remarkable collection of archaeological objects from Romans. It was great to see some roman sculptures with their original colors. The Roman mosaics were beautiful as well. The rest of the museum is ok, with some interesting pieces. On the other hand, I had the fortune to visit the archaeological museum of Madrid one month before and I have to say that the Rhineland Museum seems outdated, cramped and not very informative since most of the literature was not translated in English. I suggest the curators to visit the Archaeological museum of Madrid to see for themselves how an archaeological museum in the XXI should be. You do not need to invest tons of money to increase the quality of the experience, maybe it would be enough to provide English information to what it is in exhibition and shorten a little bit the audioguide (sometimes it felt that it run for ever). Furthermore, I recommend that at least one waiter or waitress speaks English or French in the Museum's Cafe. Trier seems to care only for national tourists, they should make an effort to be more welcoming to travelers beyond Germany.
  • Anndante
    I found the museum extremely interesting and it is definitely worth a visit. A good variety of exhibits
  • SteveC93
    This is a great museum of Roman antiquities. The prehistoric and medieval and early modern galleries are of some interest but the superbly presented Roman objects are outstanding. Particularly important are the grave monuments, especially the one carved in the shape of a wine ship, the mosaics and the early Christian remains (graveslabs with Christian symbols, lamps and vessels with Christian symbols and a superb 4th century sarcophagus with carvings depicting Noah and the flood). These artefacts are possibly the best collection of early Christian objects I have seen outside the Vatican Museums. Best of all is a broken bronze bucket containing 2 650 gold Roman aureii coins, the largest Roman gold money find ever, with coins from the reigns 29 emperors. Someone clearly buried their nest egg and never returned to collect it. It's a spectacular and important find and by itself makes the trip to Trier worthwhile. Staff are helpful and speak enough English to help out. There is an English language audio-guide although only a minority of objects are featured on the guide. Section summaries are in English and French as well as German but individual object descriptions are in German only. The cafe is also great with superb cakes. Try the 'Oriental Tea'!
  • davidmW5849WF
    Loved all of it,this museum has the largest collection off Roman finds in Germany too many to show.what they do tho is awesome
  • SjHughes
    It was a bit confusing to get started for us as we had bought our tickets at the tourist Information office near the Porte Nigra so the folks at the Museum did not give us the full run down. Once we figured out we need to go downstairs to get started it was as simple as following the numbers throughout out the exhibits. We paid extra to get the audio guides. Well worth it to get the extra information and really understand the Roman history of the city. While the audio was bit dry, it was very informative.
  • paulsF6190HN
    Has displays from neolithic through medieval history of Trier and surrounding area. Many displays are in English, but some only German. Good wheelchair access.
  • wiscobic
    Trier is one of the most historic cities and the oldest in Germany. The museum is really well put together and tells a compelling story of Trier and the surrounding area. I would highly recommend getting the headsets. We didn't and most of the descriptions on exhibits are only in German. I would recommend spending at least 2-3 hours to see everything. We only had an hour and a half since we were driving to Strasbourg at noon.
  • 383RichardJ
    Extensive collection showing the Neolithic, Celtic, and especially Roman developments in and around Trier. It became the Central European capital for Rome, and huge numbers of coins, mosaics, and sculptures are displayed. There is one good descriptive sign in English in each room, but there are English audiologues available at no extra charge if you want more detail.
  • sheepygold
    We only had a hour before closing so confined our visit to the Roman artefacts of which there are very many and I believe these are the best exhibits in the museum. Do not miss the gold coin hoard and the mosaics as well as the model of Trier in Roman tmes and many roman statues and of course the original of the wine boat sculpture copies of which can been seen in the surrounding area.
  • quirkynomadD
    Two things from this visit will stick with me:First, in the local dialect, the word for archaeologist translates as " mummy tickler". And, yes, there is a mummy in part of the museum.Second, there is a very impressive gold hoard found in the city when a parking garage was being bit. Tons and tons and tons of coins. Other than these two points, the rest of the museum was, well, museum-like. Lots of Ancient History, including spotlights on Ancient Trier, a number of quite interesting statues, including an amazon woman, and some beautiful mosaics. The audio guide is good, but the numbers/ cues for the guide became increasingly sparse as we made our way through the museum, and the plaques were only in German, so a bit of imagination was required. Worthwhile if you are interested in Ancient History, the price is higher than many other attractions in Trier. Again, get the Ancient Ticket if you plan on seeing a number of sites in the city.
  • HB0422
    At the time of my vidsit, there was a resident and exhaustive exhibit of the Roman settlements and influence on Trier and throughout Germany from 100BC to 400CE on top of an already outstanding set of exhibits in the museum on the Roamn influence and settlements, particularly of Trier.
  • DMS100
    This is how all museums should be - full of interesting stuff, brilliantly displayed. Because the exhibits are given lots of space, you get a much better feel for the scale and detail on some of them. The Roman statues and stonework are impressive but the prehistoric artefacts were my favourite; these displays really help you understand how sophisticated these ancient people really were. The case with suspended flint arrowheads was a work of art.
  • 828annettep
    Had to go back to finish our visit off there is so much to see.Beautiful mosaics and lots of old roman history. Free audio guide and most articles have English transcript along side them. A must visit to this beautiful ancient city.
  • BerninVA
    This is a must see. Trier is an ancient city.... the local history is well documented at this museum. This museum is very well organized and the staff is super friendly! (but not everyone speaks English) They have free audio guides. The museum is much larger than it looks... plan on spending atleast two hours if you want to see all it has to offer.
  • Dieter1930
    Ideal for a 2-3h visit. Very good price/quality ratio (€6 per adult). Free audio guides in 4 languages (EN, FR, DE, NL). Treasure hunt track for kids, built around the discovery of 2650 Roman-era gold pieces in 1993. Only issue: the audio guide numbers are sometimes difficult to spot in the museum rooms.
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