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ortsbefestigung ehrenbreitstein

ortsbefestigung ehrenbreitstein

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • allvonrs
    With limited time in Koblenz, we could only see the fort during the evening, but this was not a bad thing. It was a magnificent structure redolent with German history with lots of exhibits. While we were there, they also had a light show (which is ongoing) that was thoroughly spectacular and enjoyable. Great views of Koblenz from on high. Shuttle buses were available from the parking lot to the fort.
  • KeithParker1949
    As the title suggests, a fantastic looking fortress overlooking the confluence of the Rhine and the Mosel, but Napoleon walked in through the back door. The walls are 10 metres thick and there are a number of museums within together with a restaurant. Can be accessed by car via the infamous "back door" or by cable car from the Rheinufer in Koblenz.
  • vakantiejozef
    Fortifications belonging to system Niederehrenbreitstein situated on the right enbankment of the Rhine and thus being part of the Prussian fortress Koblenz and was the enlargement of the circular fortifications enclosing municipal Ehrenbreitstein, which was protectedby a circular wall dating back to the electoral period. Partially built in 1827-1833 and completed under Carl August von Cohausen in 1854-1857. The crenellated parapet connected the older parts with each other and went as follows: Helfenstein-Sauerwassertor-Werk Klausenberg-Kelterhaus der Gebrüder Buschmann-Blindtaltor-Blindtaltraverse-Kaponniere at the Kolonnenweg-Luisenturm-Teichertturm-Defensibles Trainwagenhaus-Pfaffendorfer Tor. In 1890 simultaneous with fortress Koblenz and system fortress Kaiser Franz abrogated. The city of Koblenz bought in 1892 the wall Ehrenbreitstein including land, buildings, ports, and sold these to individuals, as some of these structures were rebuilt these survived up to today: Werk Klausenberg (present Rhine Castle), Kaponniere, Luisenturm, Kelterhaus (present Klausenburg), Teichertturm, parts crenelated parapet and one tower of the Sauerwassertor.
  • Mlllbond
    Фантастическая крепость с видом на слияние Рейна и Мозеля, это впечатляет, так как только здесь можно созерцать слияние двух великих рек. Есть несколько выставок, много дорожек для прогулок, есть ресторанчик, где можно поесть. Нам повезло с погодой, что позволило подольше погулять по территории крепости.
  • lufthansa01
    Auf Empfehlung hin zu und es nicht bereut. Der Ausblick ist super, alles sehr Interessant. Abends ist die gesamte Anlage sehr schön beleuchtet. Wenn der Ausflug tagsüber geplant ist, am besten mit der Seilbahn hochfahren.
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