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rathaus (town hall)

rathaus (town hall)

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • kayakgirl01
    We walked all around and enjoyed looking at the outside of so many buildings that the feel of Koblenz was what I wanted to experience from a small German town. We truly wished we had more time in Koblenz. Of all the towns we visited on our 18 day european excursion Koblenz was one of our favorites and certainly our favorite German town.
  • vakantiejozef
    The Grand Chamber of the Council Chamber has a rich history. Originally the former great Hall of the Jesuit College was twice as long (37 m) and the largest and most prestigious room in Koblenz, where also school theatre was held. Purchased by the city in 1891, conversion of the City Hall into a gymnasium in 1894. Since 1913 is the room also often used for receptions, symposia, lectures or concerts (also served as the theatre after World War II untill the actual City Theatre) was reopened in 1946. Both oil paintings on the East side depicting Trier electors Karl Kasper von der Leyen and Franz Georg von Schönborn are painted by court painter Heinrich Foelix. Ceiling frescos: in the first circle hardworking Fortuna with mortarboard (square academic cap) and medals. From 1580-1773 the stairs gave access to the “Aula magna”, and to the the classrooms of the Jesuit College students "Society of Jesus".
  • MadridJosefina
    Paseando por la preciosa ciudad de Koblenz, llegamos hasta el Ayuntamiento de la ciudad, Rathaus, que está situado en el casco antigüo de la ciudad, fuímos atravesando bonitas calles empedradas y plazas...El Ayuntamiento de la ciudad de Koblenz, se encuentra ahora situado en el antigüo colegio de jesuitas.Consta de varios edificios vinculados entre sí, de finales del Renacimiento, el Barroco y la época moderna.Imprescindible verlo...Toda la zona es muy bonita y está muy bien cuidada.
  • Mlllbond
    Старое здание, в отличном состоянии, интересная архитектура, таблички только на немецком, нет английского языка, но не мешает наслаждаться визуально, красотой этого места. Не обязательно для посещения, но приятно для восприятия.
  • mvsampaio
    Prédio histórico muito bonito, retratando bem a arquitetura local. Existem vários outros edifícios importantes na localidade.
  • Alejandro1970
    colegio jesuita de koblenz. la calle para llegar empedrada, muy pictórica. un lugar emocionante porque parece que la historia se condensa en un instante
  • VFSE
    Das Historische Rathaus der Stadt (heute sind dort Standesamt und ein paar andere Ämter untergebracht, alles andere im dahinter liegenden Hochhausneubau, ist Teil des ehemaligen Jesuitenkollegs, ein wunderschöner Altbau. Davor steh dann der Schängel und bespuckt die Besucher.
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