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  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • tezpil
    Koblenz seems to have a knack for creating great fountains. This one depicts the history of the town and is fascinating.Again get there in good light to really appreciate it. In a square with plenty of eating spots around.
  • Drehort
    An interesting column depicting the 2000 year history of Koblenz. You need to be familiar with the history for it to be really interesting. There is a comparable column in Trier but this describes the guilds, arts and crafts of the city.
  • HpMatias
    It is an interesting monument in a beautiful plaza. As you can see in vakantiejozef comment, the meaning of the column is really interesting.Unfortunately I visited it on a Sunday during December, so there was no water running and most commerce was closed.
  • vakantiejozef
    A gift of Rhineland-Palatinate to the city of Koblenz, on the occasion ofits 2000th birthday. Depicts the major events during 2000 year history of Koblenz: the Roman Kastell settlement starts at the lowest level with sturdy fishermen rowing their boat at "Father Rhine". Water spray from their oars and around the sides of the boat. Level 2 (Krongut und Konferenzort:) Romans establish a city named "Confluentes" and a church. Image 3 (Vom Reich an Kurtrier): activities in periods of relative peace and tranquility. Image 4 (Kreuzzüge / Sklavenhandel): Crusaders and the slave trade, a period of grief for the community, the city in flames. Image 5 (Blühende städtische Gemeinde): figurines on hors reback represent the thriving city of artisans, merchants and Church dignitaries from 13 to 16th century. Image 6 (30-jähriger Krieg / Hexenwahn): City-silhouette at the time of the thirty years war and witch persecution. Image 7 (Französische Revolution): bellicose events during and after the French Revolution and occupation around 1800. Image 8 (Prussian Epoch): depicting the mighty fortress and Prussian Koblenz in the 19th and 20th century, the horse-drawn vehicles symbolize the arrival of Prussian troops. Image 9 (Zerstörung 1944): the city on fire and destroyed a Koblenz after bombing 1944 during WW II. At the highest level the current city with people who graciously live in harmony and peace. The whole meaning of the fountain is that 2000 years urban history existed in peace and conflicts, but that finally after chaos a better place is created.
  • MadridJosefina
    Historiensaule, es una preciosa fuente formada por una esbelta e interesante escultura, es otra de las muchas fuentes, que hay en la ciudad de Koblenz, y está ubicada en Josef-Gorres-Platz, una plaza cercana ya al Ayuntamiento. Está por tanto céntrica.Esta fuente representa la historia de la ciudad, por lo que es interesante detenerse ante ella y fijarse en todos los detalles de la escultura.Cuando estuvimos nosotros, la salida de agua de la fuente estaba apagada, así que no pudimos verla en funcionamiento, !!otra vez será!!La plaza en la que está ubicada, es muy bonita, por lo que es muy agradable darse un paseo tranquilamente por ella.Tenéis que verla!!
  • MariaHelenaSpinelli
    Este monumento que conta um pouco da história da região fica numa praça com vários restaurantes, próximo ao centro da cidade. É muito interessante observar os detalhes desta escultura e vale também explorar a região com uma boa caminhada.
  • Alejandro1970
    es un monumento evocativo de las distintas etapas de la historia de la ciudad, si mal no recuerdo son cinco pisos donde se puede ver cada reconstrucción hasta la segunda guerra mundial. la plaza alrededor, hermosa
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