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herz jesu kirche

herz jesu kirche

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • MeetUsInWashMO
    This church was beautiful to see, as are all of the wonderful churches in Germany. If you have a chance to stop and enjoy its beauty, make sure to.
  • JeanieV
    What a grand church! Walk around the south-west side and then enter to see the vaulting ceilings. Modernly restored, the church still lends itself to reflection and community worship.
  • Gladtobethere
    Right on the scene of the city center. Striking exterior and beautiful interior. Sunday mass a bit freely interpreted; music and congregational singing are hearty. Brief organ concert following Sunday service brilliantly done on a fine instrument.
  • vakantiejozef
    1900-1903, Romanesque Revival architecture, architect Ludwig Becker, 1944 destroyed, reconstruction 1952. The construction was necessary as Koblenz had more than 30,000 inhabitants and only two Catholic parishes: St. Castor and Liebfrauen. When the Prussian city fortifications were removed in 1890 it was time to build new parish churches. The Herz-Jesu-Kirche was the second major Church built to go with the urban sprawl and was built on the site of the former right flank site of the Löhrtor. The three-aisled pillar basilica with double-Tower façade is dominated in Romanesque style. The contemporary interior design (1978) breathes the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, which accentuates the meeting of believers to the altar.
  • Mlllbond
    Восхитительная большая действующая церковь, в прекрасном состоянии, есть что посмотреть, а так же и послушать органную музыку. Наш ребенок сидела тихо, чтобы только слушать музыку, она очень любит слушать органы, а мы как раз попали на церковную службу.
  • VFSE
    Die jüngste und größte der Innenstadtkirchen mit einem wunderschönen Sakramtenshaus.
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