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kurfurstliches schloss

kurfurstliches schloss

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Pnemiller
    This is an impressive looking place with many rooms but presently there is only a cafe on the ground floor. The grounds are lovely and the beautiful gardens are still maintained. Other than seeing the exterior and enjoying the grounds there is no other reason to visit. I did not see any information that it could be toured. The cafe seemed to close by 7 PM so you can get inside the gate before that time. Signs to this place and other attractions in Koblenz are excellent throughout the city.
  • AkelaH
    This was right by our hotel so we we lucky enough to see it every day of our trip. The palace is lovely and the gardens are immaculate and so peaceful.
  • ArifMumtaz0911
    The cable ride over the Rhine, the wide open spaces of the Castle. The friendly people everywhere, and a maze of tunnels to explore. Did not have enough time to visit the whole, but one needs a full day and rested legs to explore it in entirety. Do not even think of missing this if you visit Koblenz
  • 586MikeP
    Former palace of the local elector (a kind of duke or count) now local government offices, impressive portico, venue for dances at carnival time.
  • UGADawg2006
    My wife and I only walked around the outside of the facility, but it was a very beautiful building with great gardens and statues located directly on the Rhine river. If you have pretty weather, it definitely worth checking out!
  • doctortrax
    Decided to walk to the Electoral Palace while walking around town. Not sure if you can actually see the palace inside, but we just walked through and went out in the gardens out back, toward the Rhine, and I took some photos. Lovely view of the fortress.I think there's a coffee shop inside.
  • vakantiejozef
    Elector Clemens Wenzeslaus was the first Elector who left his former residencial city Ehrenbreitstein switched Rhine riverbank: 1777 until 1786 he had the Electoral castle decorated in the French classicism style. After French Revolution the Elector had to flee in 1792, later he left Koblenz forever.1850s – 1857s Prince Wilhelm took the Office of Prussian military Governor at this castle. He was later known as Emperor Wilhelm I, for whom at the 'Deutschen Eck ' a monument was erected. Together with wife Augusta he resided at the Electorial castle. Empress Augusta gave the landscape architect Lenné the order to shape the Rhine riverbank (nowadays the beautiful Empress Augusta-boulevards). 1944 the Elector palace was damaged up to its outer walls; 1950/51rebuilt. Now it serves the Gouvernement and is not open to public. Federal horticultural show ' 2011: the middle part of the castle will be open to the public in the context of events and congresses and will be accessible again.
  • 485emmym
    Voorkant van het kasteel ligt in de stad, naast het parkeerterrein. Grote tuin aan de achterkant aan de Rijn. Mooie zuilen.We zijn niet in het kasteel zelf geweest, alleen bezichtigd van buiten.
  • MadridJosefina
    Kurfurstliches Schloss, es un imponente y majestuoso edificio ubicado frente al rio Rhin, y no muy lejos del casco histórico de la ciudad.Desde Deutsches Eck, caminando por el paseo junto al rio Rhin, se llega muy bien a este maravilloso lugar, un castillo que cuenta además con unos tranquilos y preciosos jardines, donde pasear y relajarse un rato.Es uno de los puntos de interés turístico en la preciosa ciudad de Koblenz.
  • polyanag2015
    красивый снаружи дворец с большим, живописным садом. однако внутри не было ничего особо примечательного.
  • Mlllbond
    Неспешно гуляя по берегу Рейна, забрели в парк и оказались в замечательном месте для отдыха. Солнце, тепло, ухоженная территория парка, позволили полноценно насладиться цветами, фонтанами , свежим воздухом и красивыми клумбами. Обязателен для посещения!!!
  • travelwithpassion86
    Das kurstürstliche Schloss mit dem bewachsenen Vorplatz und dem Schlossgarten laden Besucher ein zu verweilen und zum Beispiel ein Picknick zu machen.Der Schlossgarten ist sehr gepflegt und hat Ein- und Ausgänge - auch Richtung Rhein.
  • clausj_rgenm
    Die gesamte Anlage lädt hervorragend zum verweilen ein, leider war eine Besichtigung des Schlosses nicht möglich. Könnte mir aber vorstellen, bei einem neuen Koblenzbesuch eine Besichtigung vorzunehmen.
  • 289alexeyb
    Прогуливаясь по набережной Рейна мы решили зайти сюда. Немного прошли - и мы уже посреди красивого парка. Погода была хорошей и солнце переливалась в струях воды из фонтанов и цветов из красивых клумб.. Рекомендую прогуляться среди этой красоты!
  • rodrigod514
    Fica num jardim incrivel, que só acentua a beleza do local, é encantador, dá pra fazer diversas fotos, o local é inspirador e mostra a grandiosidade da cultura europeia!
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