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ehrenbreitstein fortress

ehrenbreitstein fortress

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Hoverliuhw
  • groundrod
    It's easy to appreciate the beauty of the Deutsches Eck from the vantage of the Seilbahn cablecars up to the Festung Ehrenbreitstein. A kombi ticket takes one across the Rhein up to the Fortress, where it is easy to get lost (happily) in a maze of thick walls, slit windows, and vaulted passages containing museums on local history, archaeology, wine production over the centuries, photography, and ancient/antique militaria, among other things. The panorama is stunning, and the museums are reasonably sized, so that visitors can enjoy several in one visit. Most of the signage is in German, but audioguides are available in English and other languages. Kids will enjoy the Seilbahn ride, and exploring the massive structure of the fortress, but many adults will have to concentrate very hard in order to absorb the immense span of history rolled up in this marvelous edifice. Worth a second visit.
  • Baldfatman108
    It is one of the best things you can do in KoblenyJust take the cable car on a sunny day and enjoy a walk and the really excellent view on Koblenz and the river. Tunnels, corridors and inner courts for your delight and also lots of intersting things like uniforms, wine etc showcased. Excellent also for business events.
  • Anndante
    The fortress is huge! But it was lovely to see the various displays and also the city's archaeological museum as I walked around. I can only have touched on a small part of it but what I saw was very interesting and I enjoyed wandering through the tunnels and corridors. The various displays included wine making, military uniforms and life, rooms set up according to various different eras. There was even an area where you could do crafts. A good view of the city from the approach to the fortress when you use the cable car.
  • naddyf
    I went to Koblenz with a little research on what to do. I was impress to discover many beautiful sight seeings that will make a photolover crazy! To go to the Fortress, you can either go by car o take the cable car which for me, was the best option. You will cross over the Rhine to the top and then you can come back to have lunch at one of the many restaurants beside the river, lovely experience!. But then, when you reach the end of the fortress, you will have this amazing view of the city that you will want to capture forever! This video will show a bit of what I'm saying, enjoy! :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6y-fMfd8BHI
  • pbroboy
    Koblenz doesn't provide too much for the tourist, (my observation,) but it is probably a good base to take day trips. One attraction is the hilltop Ehrenbreitstein Fortress accessible by car, or as we did by using the local bus. (Very easily done, and inexpensive) Upon arriving at the bus stop below the castle, look for the elevator taking visitors to the castle entrance, there is a fee for both the elevator and entry to the castle. The castle is very interesting. We were lucky enough to have had an older nearby resident (and his dog) to accompany us through the castle telling(in broken English) us about the castle.At first we were reluctant to encourage our new friend, as we have learn t in past o/s trips, there could be a reward expected at the parting of the ways, but no, not this time, as we drew near the rear gate our friend bid us farewell, he had to go home to prepare his evening meal.The Ehrenbreitstein Fortress was begun in 1817 by the kingdom of Prussia ,later a Roman Fortress, further inhabitants varied. The fortress at one time was believed to be impregnable. (So the brochure says).. The Ehrenbreitstein Fortress is a site worth visiting.
  • MeetUsInWashMO
    While we were in Germany we managed to get to enjoy this wonderful place during a short stay in Koblenz. The cable car was the highlight of the day with its incredible views of the two connecting rivers and of the wonderful city below. The fortress itself is interesting, but there are lots of additional costs and we did not really get to explore all that it had to offer. If you have the chance though, take the cable car!
  • EnglishTeacherIvyE
    Great fortress, great cable car ride experience! Offers such a great view, wonderful gardenS in it and history filled plus very surprising exhibits! Reasonably priced - I suggest buying the combi tickets otherwise you'd regret it.If you are afraid of heights, try the cable car ride as well, you wouldn't feel anything, not a budge, we even moved around it to take pics of the view below. Simply something to behold!
  • Sougata1
    About 1 hour 45 mins by train from Duesseldorf (RE 5), it is a good place to visit for a short day trip if the weather is sunny. Confluence of the rivers Moselle and Rhine can be viewed nicely from the cable trip to the fortress. Boats are also available. Cable cars sometimes are only working during the weekends, so it is better to check before hand. You can walk down the distance (2 km) from the main station to the Cable car station, situated alongside the Rhine. It is a nice leisurely walk. Or you can take a bus (Line 1). You can get all the information from the Tourist information center, which is about 9 mins walking from the main station. The fortress is huge (buy a combi ticket for the cable car and the fortress) and there are a lot of places inside worth visiting. Museums, restaurants et al. The train back to Duesseldorf is every one hour. The last one being at 18:16 (better to confirm).
  • HansonLam
    We were there during off season as we were on my way to visit the Koblenz Christmas market which opened on Nov 21. We were there on the 22nd, a Saturday, and the cable cars would only operate on the weekend during off season. At the ticket office, I was told if I purchase the package , it would only be an additional 2 euros/person with parking fee reduced to 1 euro for the whole day. That was a steal as we were planning to visit Koblenz via the cable car anyway.The fortress itself is huge and we did had problems navigating around with the German instructions. We wanted to visit the highest point in the fortress to have a good view of Koblenz across the river but we lost our way. The exhibits are interesting and quite tied in with the theme of the fortress. Overall experience was good but I think they should improve the instructions in English. After the tour of the of the fortress, we went across the lawn to the lookout a small distance from the cable car station, the view is gorgeous and people are quite discipline lining up at the corner with the best view to take their pictures or selfies.The tour across the river was the best part of the trip as there was no lineup. My wife and I had the whole gondola by ourselves. We went over to Koblenz and returned before 5pm which was the latest time for the cable car during off season.Strongly recommend for people plan to visit Koblenz and would like scenic view of the Moselle and Rhine. Parking there saves the hazard of find a parking spot in Koblenz during Christmas market time.
  • PatrickD126
    We started at the top at the Fortress. We rode to the top by van. A nice ride. You can't park right at the fortress. We had to take a short shuttle ride from the parking lot.There is a fee to enter the fortress, but I'm not sure about the price. Our host picked up the tab. The fortress is very interesting. As a former soldier, I was pleased to see that there was a memorial there for the German soldiers from WW 2. A touchy subject, but I believe that most were defending their homeland and deserve a small memorial.Anyway, we had coffee and cake at the outdoor café that overlooks the River Rhine. Breathtaking view. Afterward, we rode the gondola down to Deutsches Eck. A great ride that I recommend.More history that I just can't pack into one short review.
  • pranverad
    it was such calming view , everything at its place ....even the leaves falling from the trees looked as they were disciplined to fall where they should :)
  • DoctorFeelgoodDorset
    You can get to the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, by cable car, by funicular railway, by car or even by foot! I tried cable car not realising off season it only operates at weekends and then drove up by car. It is well signed posted initially and only 10-15 minutes from the cable car station. Entrance was only €3 and car-parking €1 with entrance so exceptional value. However, although they gave me brief trifold A4 leaflet in English it is difficult to get full story as all exhibits are only described in German. Also off season the tour is limited to less areas than in peak season. Nevertheless it’s well worth an hour or two to walk around and has its own café/restaurant. Make sure you visit the Flag Tower to reach the highest point with views back over Koblenz – but also ride lift to base of the Tower to see original foundations.
  • 993dagmarg
    The cable car ride is relatively short but it packs a punch as you see the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers and the different colours of each river demarcated in their merger. At the top of the hill where you disembark you have many choices. Locals spend the day in the gardens, picnicking or hanging out. Tourists can visit the fortress and see art exhibitions located in one of its buildings. When we visited there was an interesting photography exhibit on. What struck us particularly about the fortress was the magnificent stonework. The rocks were so creatively positioned and create beautiful patterns. The buildings look less utilitarian, although they really are with their small windows, but they are also aesthetically pleasing, which is the surprising part. Then there is the view from the fortress....it is also a lovely place to have coffee and just look out onto the countryside, which as they say, on a clear day, you can see for ever. The small museum store is well stocked with postcards and books. If you are looking for English language versions of their books, make sure you look carefully, because they are there even though the staff is not aware of them. I was able to pick up a few books about the castles of the Middle Rhine and on the Fortress itself in English even though the counter clerk told me they do not exist in English. There's lots to do for children as well, they can see what holes jail cels were in those days and experience what life was like at the time. Additionally, I noticed that there was an outdoor concert being set up for later in the weekend. I imagine going to a concert there would be a lovely experience, so if you decide to go, check whether there is a concert going on.
  • JillA976
    This visit turned out to be the highlight of our (husband and our two friends) visit to Koblenz. It costs 11.80 Euros for a combined ticket covering the cable car and entrance to the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress. This is good value for what you get. Firstly, the cable car- this provides a smooth ride to the fortress and gives excellent views of the city. The fortress is huge and very well preserved. Whilst there are lots of impressive military and historical aspects to explore, I particularly enjoyed the exhibition that focussed on the soil and wines of the area. This was fascinating and informative. The view from the fortress of the confluence of the rivers Rhine and Mosel is a "must see". Tip- give yourself plenty of time for this visit.
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