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centro storico di cervo

centro storico di cervo

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 473RichardG473
    Cervo is a small commune with a population of little more than a thousand. Access can only be gained on foot, and it should be noted that the climb to the top is not recommended for those with serious walking or breathing difficulties. However for those who can make it to th top the viws are stunning and the Church in baroque style which nonetheless dates back to the 10th C. is well worth investigation.
  • Clementmelb
    Cervo is beautiful with narrow street and totally pedestrian. Do not miss the Coral Baroque Cathedral!
  • cloudhi
    The village of Cervo is a medieval treasure that has not been spoiled by too much tourism.Wander the narrow alleys. At siesta time all is quiet. Views from the top out across the sea arebeautiful. Church there is well worth a visit.
  • DK_Lars
    Walk through the 1-2 meter wide and very steep alleys and feel the history talking to you. Excellent views from several places including in the front of the church.
  • CDarveaux
    The town was full of walkways, alleys and steps to view the scenery. Even in the hot summer day, the ocean breeze was felt all through the area.
  • WarsawWarsaw
    Enjoyed a walk from Diano Marino to Cervo (most of the walk by a nice promenade)... Seeing Cervo on the front of me all the time. Walking up by stairs isn't as bad as it looks when you see a town from the beach or road - my daughter counted 214 stairs... It is absolutely worth to visit, and to climb up. The view from piazza next to the church is amazing. Church is very nice too. But best are these small, old streets, giving a shadow in hot summer day... Lovely place, and not crowded at all.
  • opossumd
    A medieval gem with a musical heart, home to the Cervo International Chamber Music Festival for the last 50 years, the September Master Classes and a number of other art and music events throughout summer. Stunning architecture and views. Worth a visit and more ♥
  • JonfromLA
    You really do step back in time when you pass through the ancient gate into Cervo. As you enter the plaza, you see nearly all the commercial establishments - a bar, a gift shop, a restaurant and Osteria, and an interesting museum of life in Liguria. That is about it. The rest of the town is nearly untouched from hundreds of years ago. Your legs will get a good workout climbing up and own the steep stepped streets, and some of the views out over the Mediterranean are breathtaking. Fortunately, there is another bar down towards the bottom where you can get a good pannini and coffee to get the energy to start back up, or continue down to the beach. The church in Cervo was a total surprise - one of the most beautiful we have seen.
  • jogimax
    Great scenery and atmosphere. Walk up and down the tiny passages, each steps tells you a story of love for their territory. A majestic church where concert are given on its steps in the summer evening.
  • marisa395
    Nice classic music out door. sea vew and breaze. Very, very romantic. For sure a place to visit in summer.
  • shaker70
    It seems to be in another time when you are so lucky to walk around Cervo alone, without turists. It seems a real time-travel with the advantage of having nice little shops and cafes to discover. The view is sometimes breathtaking and there are a lot of activities in the summer. I personally prefer it off-season, when you get to enjoy views, silence, and a typical "fantasy" atmosphere all at the same time.
  • 566mauriziof
    La Liguria é piena di borghi inerpicati sulla montagna a ridosso della costa. Cervo é una delle piú belle espressioni. Ben tenuto, sembra mantenere lo spirito di secoli fa: camminando tra le stradine, in mezzo a case di pietra che sembrano uscite dal set di un film d'epoca, si respira un'aria magica e tranquilla. Simpatiche attivitá artigianali rendono piú curiosa e simpatica la visita. Da provare anche la gastronomia della zona. Da non perdere!
  • SabrinaR471
    Cervo è unico ... sono 20 anni che appenna mi libero da impegni scappo qui è un posto rilassante magico... non puoi non lasciagli il cuore... è uno dei borghi a mio barere più belli del nostro paese...!!
  • fi_decorso
    Cervo è un'apparizione che lascia il segno, entra nella mente e non esce più. Chi ci è stato una volta, poi torna. E' meraviglioso camminare per vicoli e scalinate, con lentezza di passo e leggerezza di pensiero, lasciando parlare le case medievali, le arcate, i portali in pietra.E non voglio rompere l'incantesimo descrivendo i monumenti da visitare...Bisogna proprio andarci!
  • 322giancarlop
    È stato una piacevole scoperta camminare per gli stretti vicoli del borgo medioevale respirando l'aria di un tempo che fu. Dalla piazzetta della chiesa si gode di una vista magnifica. Affascinante il castello.
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