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gallerie di palazzo leoni montanari

gallerie di palazzo leoni montanari

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Marco_Batalha
    Being primarily drawn to visit the galleries because of the exhibition of the Russian icons, we purchased Vicenza's Museum Card (€15) and were stunned to discover that the palace has a lot to offer. Surprisingly, this is the only baroque building in Vicenza, mainly because the Leoni Montanari family wanted to break out of the classical outlook of the aristocracy. Due to this fact, they hired a Lombardian architect, Guiseppe Marchi, who built this baroque palace. All of the chambers and hallways speak for themselves with their unique statuary decorations and frescoes. On the ground floor, there was some exhibition of contemporary art, which wasn't that impressive, but, on the second floor, the collection of Russian icons was absolutely magnificent. They were all well preserved and neatly sorted. We were amazed to find some of them dating back to the 11th century, as well as some having a silver or cloth designed covering. The exhibition and the palazzo are definitely worth the visit and we recommend them to all who spend some time in this beautiful city.
  • CindySanzotta
    This museum was right next to our hotel in the historic district of Vicenza and I was drawn to go in from just a glance at the atrium and foyer area from the street. It is an amazing Palazzo and well worth a look. The art displayed was second to the building itself and its grand designs. The baroque designs and statues are not to be missed. You will enjoy the visit and it is part of the museums included in the Museum Card Vicenza. Enjoy!
  • DianaH824
    Ditto the review by Armini...As a retired Russian History teacher I obviously was interested when I visited my friend in Vicenza! But WOW! I had no expectation . I just felt I should see the exhibit. I was blown away! I was with my goddaughter who has no background in Russian history, Russian art or Russian icons. Even she was visibly impressed and studied each and every one as we walked through Certainly one of the surprises of Vicenza! I highly recommend it for anyone interested in Russian art...religious art...!.
  • DPearce43
    The building itself is a great part of this experience. The paintings give a great view into the local history and those who ruled the City. Docents in each room were wonderfully helpful and told the stories of the paintings and artifacts on display.
  • Arminii
    The palace itself is extremely impressive, but that is to be expected in Vicenza. What you do not expect, is an ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC private collection of Russian icons, property of the San Paolo bank. Both by size and coverage, and by the artistic quality it is one of the best collections of Russian art worldwide, and may well be the best one outside of Russia. As far as XIV-XVI centuries, you cannot beat the collections of the major Russian museums, the Tretiakov art gallery in Moscow, or the Russian museum in Saint Petersurg. But the XVII and XVIII century collections might well be even superior to those, by quality, if not by size. I have never seen late icons of comparable craftsmanship.I don't know, who was in charge, but he certainly known his job. The collection as a whole shows infallible instinct and perfect taste,Another highlight of our visit was a temporary exhibition ``Italy and Italians'', which started with a proud declaration ``It is a privilege to live in Italy, it is a privilege to be an Italian', of which this palace is a living proof.Alongside with 8-10 other museums, it is included into the city pass.
  • TJCGrandRapids
    The building itself, rather than the collection, is the main attraction (unless you are into icons of which there are many). The city museum card for Vicenza (which includes this museum) is a great value. Other than high season, you will probably have this Palazzo all to yourself.
  • Giancarlo1938
    L'architettura del palazzo si stacca dallo stile del Palladio per assumere la sua caratteristica di stile bariocco.Vi sono raccolti importantissimi capolavori della pittura veneta quali GD. e GB Tiepolo,Guardi,Canaletto e Longhi. Ospita anche una importante collezione di icone russe.
  • linkarovereto
    Molto interessanti sia il palazzo barocco, ben conservato, con bei soffitti e affreschi, e una notevole collezione di quadri, che la collezione di icone russe, veramente belle e ben esposte. Complimenti alla banca proprietaria che ha voluto mettere a disposizione di tutti la propria collezione.
  • francescav557
    A Vicenza esiste un biglietto comulativo che raggruppa 8 musei a 15€. 10€ se esibisci i biglietti della mostra nella Basilica Palladiana.Il museo Leone Montinari è molto bello. All'interno c'è una loggia meravigliosa che vale la visita. L'ultimo piano è completamente dedicato alle Icone Russe mentre al secondo si possono vedere dei vasi di età greca.Da vedere. Deposito custudito con armadietti.
  • DucadiMantova73
    Solo il piano delle icone russe merita una visita a questa galleria. Ma appena arrivati la prima cosa che ci dicono è che alle 18 chiudono... Ed erano circa le 17... 20 minuti prima delle 18 erano già tutti in fibrillazione per la chiusura e ci hanno impedito l'accesso al piano nobile dove penso ci fosse la quadreria... Incredibile! Quindi il voto per le opere esposte è almeno 4 pallini ma per il resto.. non avete idea di come sono uscito arrabbiato!
  • marusyava
    Музей дворца Леони Монтанари располагает двумя постоянно действующими экспозициями. В бельэтаже музея выставлена обширная коллекция венецианской живописи 18 века, в которую входят полотна Пьетро Лонги (много), Каналетто (одно), Франческо Гварди (несколько). Верхний этаж занимает уникальная для европейского города коллекция из 130 русских икон! Они очень эффектно выставлены, в полумраке, в сопровождении тихой православной музыки... Есть иконы 13, 14, 15 веков. Рекомендую данный музей к посещению, если Вы не на один единственный день приехали в Виченцу, а располагается достаточным временем.
  • giovanna849
    Bellissima collezione d'arte in un palazzo ricco di stucchi e affreschi. Quadri del longhi, e poi una collezione molto preziosa di icone
  • PucceKika
    Noi siamo stati incuriositi principalmente dalla Loggia di Ercole e dalla Galleria della Verità, due capolavori barocchi insoliti a Vicenza. Tuttavia, all’interno troviamo molto di più, ovvero una collezione permanente di arte moderna incentrata su artisti vicentini e veneti come il Canaletto.
  • laurac605
    Dopo aver visto le Gallerie d'Italia a Milano, non poteva mancare una - seppur veloce - visita a Palazzo Leoni Montanari.Interessante l'esposizione temporanea "Il colore come forma plastica", affascinante la collezione di icone russe, decisamente gradevole l'esposizione pittorica e splendido il palazzo stesso.Al contesto complessivo do una valutazione estremamente positiva.
  • LUCA3232
    Siamo tornati a Palazzo Leoni Montanari per vedere la mostra "Il colore come forma plastica". Questa esposizione (gratuita) non ci ha deluso; molto meglio di tante altre mostre super pubblicizzate ma che poi si sono rivelate una delusione. Le Gallerie del Palazzo ed il Palazzo stesso, a prescindere dall'esposizione temporanea, vanno viste almeno una volta. Eccezionali le icone russe esposte.
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