Funny place to jump between trees and enjoy the sights from another point of view. After the tour (if you are able to finish all the tracks ) you can have a very tasty meal in the restaurant in the top of the hill
A nice place to spend an adventurous day with friends. Came there for my birthday, everyone was satisfied. Felt a little easy at first, but in the end we were exhausted. Staff is very helpful, instructors were kind of super heroes, helped us to get through the track with one hand while standing on a rope :) I would recommend to come on working days, or on holiday mornings and definitely buy those gloves they offer, or take yours. They have a nice restaurant nearby, so You don't have to look for a separate dinner place.
Want a great afternoon out? Why not visit Mezaparks - beautiful forrest park just outside Riga. We are an active outdoorsy couple and were looking for something active to do on our long weekend break to Riga. Asked around for outdoor activities but did not get that many answers. Luckily found an email address that advertised Mezakakis - treetop adventure park in Riga. No one knew about it when we asked around - just that there is one in Sigulda. Rented bicycles and rode to Mezapark. We were so happy to realise that the park was open! Reasonably priced great fun for all the family. Loads of kids climbing around, but challenging routes also for adults.Can highly recommend to anyone looking for a little afternoon adrenaline fix :D
The best place where you can fight with your fear and see what are you capable to do and how far can you go. Some of us went trough all distances, some of us got too scared but anyway a fantastic adventure, beautyfull nature, good staff and, and, and...
Perfect place to spend your day. It may seem a little bit croudy at the first level, but when it takes further, then you go more or less alone and can enjoy your time. The place is perfectly secure as soon as many instructors move around the park. And the last "flying-down" part is just awesome!
great for those who loves adventures, sports and active way of life. nice views from the trees............................................................
Recommend to all who like outdoor activities. There are several tracks and they're distinguished by color. Each one is different from another and they really get harder and harder. Out of 5 of us (2 girls and 3 guys) only one managed to the last one. You need to be physically fit.Though it was tough, we really enjoyed it.Plan to spend there about 3 hours.
Place for those who like adventures, little adrenaline. Similar – Tarzans Attraction Park.
This place has also very nice restaurant. In summer I went down the track which is in the trees and has nice view to river Gauja. in winter it is possible to ski. big hill with view to valley and small hill for children. after skiing tea in comfy cafe
Отдыхали с подругой.Отлично провели время. Много развлечений, главное решиться. Уйдите обязательно довольными.
Полазить по деревьям,особенно на большой высоте,это круто,таких впечатлений давно не испытывала!было и страшно,и сложно,и уже не хватало сил,но ты всё равно идешь к концу трассы!очень интересно и весело,стоит попробывать!
хороший семейный отдых - нам понравилось!!!! обязательно одевайте удобную верхнюю одежду, спортивную обувь и перчатки (спортивные). Море позитивных эмоций. Взору открываются красивые виды.
В прекрасном месте можно снова почувствовать себя ребенком, вспомнить как лазали по деревьям и испытать себя. Красивая природа, безопасные трассы, подробный инструктаж для детей.
Для тех, кто считает себя человеком ловким и находящимся в хорошей физической форме - бросьте себе вызов! Не каждый пройдет все веревочные трассы. Но можно сойти после любой из шести имеющихся. Отлично подойдет для тимбилдинга, дружеского времяпрепровождения и силовой тренировки в одиночку. Присутствуют упражнения на высоте. Дождь добавит острых ощущений)
Даже не думал, что смогу, как в детстве, лазать по деревьям и испытывать от этого невообразимый восторг. Обязательно рекомендую любителям активного отдыха и просто желающим классно провести время на свежем воздухе. В парке нескольо трасс от легких до реально сложных (даже дух захватывает, когда вспоминаю). Рядом есть неплохое кафе.