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sneznik castle museum

sneznik castle museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • 147LouiseM
    Off the beaten track and deep in the forests of southern Slovenia, within the region of Notranjska, is one of the most beautiful castles to be found – Snežnik Castle, complete with moat. While not large by any means, it compensates for this with its charm. Viewing it for the first time is a little like waiting for a fairy tale to begin. It’s totally worth taking the guided tour because the story of this castle is naturally enough tied to the history of Slovenia and the region in general. A longer stay in the area will make walking and hiking options possible, not to mention explorations of the disappearing waterways of the Karst region nearby. So even though the castle is somewhat hidden, Slovenia Guides will get you there! And you will not be sorry! There’s lots to see along the way, not to mention all of the eating options at local gostilnas. Trout recommended!
  • Guy231
    It is a nice place, the castle itself is nice from the outside and the surrounding is nice but inside it is only Ok and not more. Recommended only if you are in the area and have about 1 - 2 hours to spare.
  • OldJanxSpirit
    Well-preserved castle with a large collection of furniture and interior fittings, part of National Museum of Slovenia. Nice and helpful guide, basic service for travellers. Quiet surroundings without inappropriate disturbing "attractions". Own car recommended (30+ min from highway A1), children may be a little bored, but castles lovers not! (-:
  • monicabortoletto
    Lontano dalle strade principali e immerso nella natura alle pendici del monte Nevoso circondato da un bel lago .Si tratta di un bel castello restaurato recentemente dove gli arredi sono originali (una rarita`) e la guida molto attenta ai particolari.Da visitare soprattutto per la bellezza della natura circostante.
  • Antonio_Cristini
    Un affascinante castello rinascimentale alle pendici del monte Nevoso, unico in Slovenia con arredamenti originali e perfettamente conservato (anche perché utilizzato come casa estiva e residenza di caccia fino alla seconda guerra mondiale). Le parti mancanti sono quelle eliminate durante il comunismo jugoslavo.Vale la pena di allontanarsi dalle "solite" rotte turistiche per immergersi in un ambiente da favola.La visita è a pagamento con guida turistica solo in lingua inglese (o sloveno).
  • reikap
    Bellissimo castello conservato alla perfezione internamente....al momento del biglietto la guida ci ha acconpagnati in visita in lingua inglese.
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