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saint gildard convent & museum

saint gildard convent & museum

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • SimonKajang
    My wife and I took a 2-hour train ride from Paris to Nevers for a half day visit to Espace St. Bernadette. It is about 30 minutes walk from train station to the sanctuary which is on a slope of the town. Espace St. Bernadette includes Saint Gildard Convent (where St. Bernadette lived), Chapel ( where St. Bernadette's immortal body lied), St. Joseph Chapel ( her favourite place of prayer), garden (where she worked and played), Museum ( displaying her writing, clothing and the chair she died sitting on). It is peaceful and solemn place of pilgrimage. Nevers is a small but beautiful town. Not many signboard showing the way but town folks are helpful and friendly to point you the route to Chasse de St Bernadette. Entrance is free of charge.However, 3 Euro is charged for entering the garden and convent ground with a guide book entitled "Walk in the steps of St Bernadette". It is a wonderful experience.
  • FlyAtNIght
    We found the convent and museum difficult to locate as there aren't many signs visible from the road. Once inside there is a simple chapel where the body of Bernadette lies. Next to the chapel are the store and museum in and the courtyard there is a replica of the Lourdes grotto.
  • EJR25
    It's a long way from Lourdes, but such a peaceful place were you can find a moment of peace in this busy world. Truly reflects the life St. Bernadette wanted to live. The relics are in perfect condition, so very beautiful that you can't really describ it.
  • MaryP631
    In the courtyard of the convent, there is a small souvenir shop, and a replica of the Lourdes grotto where you can light a candle and sit down for a moment. The chapel is beautiful, small and somehow full of magnetic and spiritual energy. I am often creeped out by the display of corpses in glass caskets but Bernadette only exuded peace and serenity. An unforgettable experience.
  • 466donnah466
    My grandmother gave me the book "The Song of Bernadette" I have been fascinated by Bernadette Soubirous ever since i read the book. Never in my life did I think I would ever get the opportunity to see her, a small dream come true. I entered the chapel and saw the Saint lying in state perfectly intact. Emotion came over me, I kneeled before the Saint and prayed to her. I have never felt such calm and peace. We walked over to the museum where they displayed some clothing of hers, her chair in which she had passed. I was fascinated. The replica of the "Grotto" was also a wonder. It allowed you to write your prayers down and slip them into the prayer box and light a candle, which i did. I bought Rosararies from the museum gift shop and had them blessed by the priest at St. Gildard's over St. Benandette. Regardless of faith ...you must visit.
  • arrow24
    I visited the convent in October 2012. It was a quiet walk from the train station and to the final resting place of St.Bernadette. The visit is apt after our visit to Lourdes....A reflection of her quiet life from within the walls of the convent helps to shut off the busy life we all use to life.....
  • raymondt165
    From August 21-29 2013, I had a most special visit to see St. Bernadette. I originally planned to visit the Czech Republic and visit my friends but something inside was calling me to go to Nevers. I had visited Lourdes 2 years earlier and ever since it seemed like I was firmly attached to St. Bernadette and Her life. On the train to Nevers from Paris, my heart was beating ever so strongly in anticipation of my arrival. When I first saw St Bernadette, it was a moment of quiet and peaceful calm, like many of the pilgrims visiting there. I got to pray to Her each day, saying the Rosary like St Bernadette always did and on the Sunday after Mass, I saw a most beautiful symbol above St Bernadette's forehead, one that I never would have possibly dreamed of seeing and one that I will forever cherish.
  • Dannydal
    My visit to the convent in which rests the body of Saint Bernadette was one of nicest experiences of my life. I felt really privileged to walk into the chapel where Bernadette's body lies in a glass casket to realise that this was almost exactly as Bernadette looked when she died. There was no signs of commercialism, no stalls - just the simplicity that Bernadette would have identified with. The grounds of the convent were relaxing just to sit around and enjoy and for a small fee, you can go into the gardens and wander around and enjoy. Mass is at 11.30 each morning which is a good time for visitors. The young woman in the information kiosk had superb English and was extremely helpful. I visited the museum which is small and was able to see the simple possessions that Bernadette had with her when she first came to St Gildard. I also saw a film which can be seen in several languages in which a young girl of Bernadette's age recites her story in the person of Bernadette. If you are a Catholic you will probably find your visit to St Gildard a little emotional but the simplicity of this convent and its fabulous little saint will impress most people regardless of faith.
  • jamesl925
    travelled from paris by train which was very easy, stayed at a hotel close to the covent.The whole trip was worth it when we saw St Bernadette. having already visited Lourdes it was only fitting to finish the story at Nevers highly recommended
  • MelsColorado
    We traveled by train from Paris and it took approximately 2 hours to get to Nevers. The convent was very easy to find from the train station and we walked easily in about 10 minutes. (From the train station, walk to your left. You will see the wall from the convent and you just have to walk around it to get to the entrance. When you get to the street where you see the wall, walk to your right up the street and you will see the entrance.) I was impressed that the area around the convent is NOT commercialized at all! Not a single souvenir shop in sight. That was great! There were very few people there when we visited and it was in July. I was kind of surprised! St. Bernadette looked absolutely beautiful! She just looks like she is sleeping! We watched a video and it was very good and a lady that worked there showed us the infirmary (where St Bernadette passed away), and she also showed us the room where she told the other nuns about the apparitions. We visited Lourdes also on this trip and it just made it complete being able to go to Nevers as well! We walked around the convent grounds and paid 3 euro for a book (per person) to 'walk in the steps of St Bernadette'. It was very informative and I do recommend it! The grotto replica on the grounds is very accurate comparing to the actual grotto at Lourdes. The convent has not changed much since St Bernadette was there. There are 3 nuns that still live there, but they do not wear habits anymore. (sad face) The convent is mostly a hotel/retreat place now.
  • ajithperera
    Went by car to Nevers from Paris. It was quite a quick journey. It is a bit difficult to find a parking space near the convent, although the church & the museum was almost empty. The body of St Bernadette looks very peaceful as if she is alive and in her sleep. Wonder why they don't allow photographs inside the church as most of the other places, where saints uncorrupt bodies are displayed for veneration, allow photographs. I see no harm being caused to the body by taking a photograph. If flashes are a problem then don't allow flashes.The grotto outside is a replica of the Grotto of Lourdes. A peaceful place. Museum was good.
  • PatK546
    Unfortunately now very modern, which seems at odds with the wonderful sight of St Bernadette's incorruptible body, clad in her traditional habit. Looks like they have ripped the very soul out of the ancient Cathedral in Nevers too, but still delighted we made the 11 hour round trip. A huge pribilege.
  • AnnaP677
    i was so touched to see ste bernadette's body in her glass coffin,no photos allowed but took a little one,too beautiful not to ad i sont see the harm in it. peaceful and empty in february,attended mass on friday the 15th but there's no-one to advise you when its so quiet,wanted to see the convent but didn't know who to ask. i would lvoe to return ans stay for a retreat there.
  • Roshni2011
    I could understand why Saint Bernadette loved the Convent of St. Gildard, and perhaps even the town if she ever ventured outside the Convent.On arrival at the Gare de Nevers, I took a taxi to Espace Bernadette -- at the Convent of St. Gildard -- where the Sisters of Charity of Nevers offer rooms and meals to pilgrims at very reasonable rates. There is also a Gite ( St. Michel ) , for groups. For more information visit the website www.sainte-bernadette-nevers.comThe convent has a beautiful chapel , in which the incorrupt body of our young Saint lies in a beautiful glass casket. It was a moving experience when I first set eyes upon her. I visited the Chapel often over the two days of my visit.Mass is said in the Chapel at 11.30 am everyday except Sunday when it is at 10 am. There is an 8 am Mass on Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed at all times and priests , nuns and volunteers are always on hand to speak with pilgrims."In the footsteps of Bernadette" is a guided walk around the Convent and its grounds, stopping at key points which were important to the Saint, for prayer and contemplation -- this is a must for any pilgrim. The Grotto, a replica of the one at Lourdes, is a gathering place for pilgrims to pray the Rosary.The town itself is on the banks of the Loire River , with some interesting sights -- the Ducal Palace, Cathedral St. Cyr -St. Julitte , several other beautiful churches , the medieval part of town and a pedestrianized shopping/restaurant area. The town is not remarkable , but quiet and pretty.This is a place worth visiting for prayer and meditation, and retreats which are held regularly.There are regular trains to and from Paris Bercy -- a day trip from Paris is do-able and inexpensive.
  • Explorer186470
    We took the train from Paris to Nevers it took 2 hours. The convent is about 15 min walk from the station or there is taxis outisde the station as well. I have been to Lourdes and wanted to see St. Bernadette body she is an amazing person and saint. Her body was easy to find its in the church and i was so moved when i seen her, she is just beautiful and looks so peaceful. You can go for a walk around the gardens that she herself walked around. I loved it and it was really brilliant to finally see the beloved saint of Lourdes. Definately worth a visit. Pray for us all St. Bernadette.
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