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espace bernadette

espace bernadette

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Velarie
    Such a magical journey to find this place. It was not easy but we finally arrived at the holy place. There is a Lourdes grotto replica near the entrance and it was such a serene place I may say. Getting into the chapel where St. Bernadette incorrupted body lying in state was both emotional and exhilarating. As a Catholic, visiting this place is really a true blessing for me and it added a strong affirmation to my faith. Thank you God the father in heaven for leading me here..
  • dsummy
    We visited St. Bernadette's place of repose. The chapel is simple and a place to pray quietly. Masses are offered regularly in this holy place.
  • Josse
    Here it is where Bernadette of Lourdes is burried. She lies in a shrine in the "church" but you can't take pictures of the shrine. If you are a (practicing) catholic, I think this place must really be spiritual because the virgin Mary appeared 17 times to Saint-Bernadette. She died in Nevers on the 16th of April 1879 at the age of 35. Furthermore there is a bookshop and a small museum.
  • Lillyput918
    I think we drove past this place 2 or 3 times before we found it. There aren't any big signs or direction indicators to let you know the place is there. You would think that being the place where St Bernadette is buried they would have some indications. There is only a simple sign outside the convent that says "Espace Bernadette". Once inside it is a truly emotional experience. The body of St. Bernadette is laid in a glass coffin in the small chapel. There is also a little museum and gift shop as well as a replica of the Lourdes Grotto. There's not much else to do in Nevers but I thought it was worth the trip.
  • mfaggella
    As a Catholic I found it touched me more than I thought it would.The story is familiar to me but to actually see her in the flesh made it more of a real event.That does not happen often withmatters of faith.
  • vickyt130
    Je ne parlerai pas de la Châsse de Bernadette, laissant à chacun ses opinions. Par contre, j'ai fait un tour à la boutique de souvenirs qui sont probablement identiques à ceux vendus à Lourdes. Il venait certainement d'y avoir eu une livraison car le magasin était encombré de cartons vides mentionnant "Made in China".
  • OdileC187
    On ne peut qu'être impressionné par la visite de l'église et du corps intact de Bernadette dans sa châsse de verre.
  • louisemW8348ZR
    dommage que faute de place, le film sur la vie de Bernadette soit présenté, sur demande, dans un autre bâtiment
  • 764guyr
    Atmosphère paisible, propre à la réflexion et à la contemplation. Mais ne pas prendre les repas sur place, car léger et onéreux.
  • lorenzob36
    Apres une visite a Sainte Bernadette, un petit tour au musée puis a la boutique. Nos amis sont toujours impressionnés par cet endroit!!
  • HenkvdR
    Als hiermee het klooster wordt bedoeld waar Bernaddette Soubirous haar laatste 12 levensjaren heeft doorgebracht en waar ze nog steeds zichtbaar opgebaard ligt, dan von ik dat heel indrukwekkend!
  • djoke45
    un petit paradis de calme tout proche du centre ville. Bcp d'emotion à cette visite.complet à tout point de vue : gite et couvert proposés.
  • 224patriceg
    Visite du petit musée très intéressante.Un moment d'émotion.Cette visite complète celle de Lourdes.
  • deschamps_13
    Dans cadre reposant et spirituel, la visite a au moins le mérite de connaître la vie de SAINT BERNADETTE. On peut y déjeuner et le eprix est correct.
  • Meravigliamoci
    Il posto e' ben curato, per visitare il giardino dove Bernardette coltivava i suoi fiori, si accede direttamente dalla zona della chiesa. Probabilmente l'accesso dovrebbero farlo pagare prima, o non farlo proprio pagare, magari i visitatori lasciano, comunque l'offerta. Santa Bernardette e' di una bellezza purissima. Peccato che il luogo, in se' , io non lo abbia riconosciuto o "sentito" sacro. Nevers e' poco ospitale e , secondo me, e' strano che pochi fedeli si rechino a trovare la santina buona. All'interno dell' Espace sono gentili, ma il resto degli abitanti non mi e' piaciuto... Forse St Bernardette doveva stare a Lourdes ..
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