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  • adrianandnuala
    Many people have suggested we visit Autun as it has some well preserved Roman structures and even to this day, you can clearly see the outlines of the Roman fortifications. As it's January, all the museums in the area are closed so our tour was confined to churches and public spaces.Autun is a city in the Saone-et-Loire department in Burgundy on high ground near the Morvan Mountains. It was founded during the early Roman Empire by Emperor Augustus who called it Augustodunum and gave it as a Roman capital to the Gallic people Aedui, allies of the Romans. In Roman times the city could be home to 30,000 to 100,000 people according to different estimates.The city had two ancient Roman gates (the Porte St.-André and Porte d'Arroux) and other ruins dating to the time of Augustus. One of the most impressive remains is that of the ancient theatre, which was one of the largest in the western part of the empire with a 17,000 seat capacity.The weather was very cold so we did not go to see the remains of Temple of Janus. Instead we walked through the old city centre and visited the Cathedral of St. Lazare's, (his relic is kept here) which dates from the early twelfth century and is a major example of Romanesque architecture. We also had a look at the Church of Notre Dame which is attached to Lycée Bonaparte, a school which was attended by Napoleon Bonaparte and his brothers and still operates as a school today.As I said it was very cold with snow on the hills so after lunch we visited the Amphitheatre and then headed back to our temporary home in Chalon. Adrian & Nuala are on a mature Gap Year in France. You can see more about their adventures on www.adrianandnualagapyear.comCathedral St Lazare AutunAutun Hotel de VilleSome of this information courtesy of Wikipedia
  • lncclc
    We walked from downtown the 1K to the amphitheater and were so glad we did! It is really in good, working condition, and so nostalgic. It is the largest remaining Roman theatre in the world, and worth taking a look.
  • 23rus
    Augustodunum (roman name Autun) was the capital of the Aedui, who had been allies of Rome since before Julius Caesar's conquest of Gaul. Augustodunum July and August is now a show which you may see in the amphiteatre. Interesting historic customize perfomance. Julius Cezar, horses...
  • Babyalmie
    This is not the biggest or best preserved roman amphitheatre I have ever seen but it is free to visit and if you are in the area, you could do a lot worse than to spend some time here, sat on the seats, looking across the lake and the natural "amphitheatre" shape of the landscape to imagine that this must have been a well used and well enjoyed setting for cultural pursuits in Roman times. There is little roped off so our children spent a happy hour clamouring over the seating. Don't pass it by if you're in Autun.
  • FranckJa
    This treater was built more than 2000 years ago. It is not very well preserved but it is worth a visit. It is a strange feeling to be here with my smart phone in 2014!
  • JumboJock67
    Fairly complete Roman ruins in the lovely town of Autun. It is free to visit and on a nice day, it is a pleasant place to picnic. However, there are no guided tours nor even any information boards that could help explain what function different part of the ruins fulfilled or what happened here at different points in time.
  • angerichards
    Very easy to imagine this in use during the Roman period as lots of the amphitheatre is still there and is used for festivals, and other activities.
  • 2013Johanna
    This amphitheatre is an amazing monument left over from Roman occupation. You can walk in and sit down and think back to the times when the horses use to run in competition or special events were performed in the Roman days. Worth a visit, add to your tour schedule.
  • baymarine2014
  • lachessis2
    Il y a bien eu un amphithéâtre à Autun mais il a disparu aujourd'hui. Le théâtre en revanche, bien que très dégradé, il existe toujours et sert encore à des spectacles. Pour se faire des gradins ont était refait sur la partie inférieure de la cavea. La visite est libre.
  • JLF451
    après le tour du plan d'eau, un petit détour pour aller voir l'amphithéâtre romain s'impose. Le site est superbe et très bien conservé même si une seule petite partie subsiste.Mettez vous face aux gradins et parlez normalement : l'acoustique y est excellente. Visite gratuite.
  • ThomasM745
    Sehr beeindruckend.Sollte man gesehen haben.Sehr gut erhalten .Toller Blick auf den nahen See.Einen Abstecher wert und empfehlenswert.Sicher neben dem Janustempel das Highlight in Autun.
  • 185fredb
    Ce théâtre d'époque romaine est incomplet, cependant, il a notamment retrouvé une seconde vie dans les spectacles organisés annuellement en été et qui mettent en scène un épisode de l'antiquité. A voir absolument.
  • Poerava228
    Un théâtre romain tellement bien conservé qu'on y donne encore des spectacles, avec une acoustique exceptionnelle !
  • PeterIlona
    Je waant je in de romeinse tijd. Prachtig geluid, het was een sprookje! Veel bezoekers hadden een mandje met wijn en lekkers bij zich, gelukkig dat het weer goed was tijdens de voorstelling. Bijna niks van verstaan maar dat was geen enkel probleem. Dit moet je gewoon een keer meegemaakt hebben.
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