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pont du diable

pont du diable

  • 等级:4A
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  • C7307OVrichardk
    A beautifully preserved bridge commanding great views over the River Tech. Below are inviting walk-ways along the river bank, leading to swimming points in unspoilt places. From the bridge you can walk into the historic centre of Ceret or up a hillside path leading to the historic Ermitage de St Ferreol with its high vantage point over the town and views stretching from the coast to the hills bordering Spain.
  • screentopcat
    Fantastic great for photographing. This is a great piece of history to explore. We walked down through the town to see this attraction.
  • fifytyplus
    It would be easy to thunder past this on the D115 & miss it completely. There is parking for a few cars as you come out of Ceret - otherwise use the gravel parking just off the D115 by the viaduct.There is a stunning view from the bridge, across to the Pyrenees, & a short walk down by the old mill gives good views up to the bridge, as it towers over the river.
  • Gardesh76
    Myself and the family went to Ceret for the Modern Art Museum mainly and we got a lot more than I bargained for ! One reason had forgotten that the the Bridge (Punt du Diable) and this is because there are simply more to see in this part of France that circumstances allows and that is not a bad thing! The Bridge is just magnificent construction and what makes it spectacular is the height above the river below and the setting around it . Although one can take a nice picnic and enjoy the view somewhere around but of course there is enough to keep you going for the visit to the Village(or Town?), as we did and the walking around you the place you will feel the footsteps of Picasso one way or the other. Top up your visit by having a lunch in the Restaurant in my other review and you will not be disappointed. Perhaps I should have continued to the other Museum of Musical Instruments? I went to Collioure instead !
  • york322
    Whilst the bridge is a quick visit. ..ceret is a lovely mountain town. Come ob a tuesday night in the summer months for the evening market. Good selection on restaurants and enough to keep you occupied.
  • EmmaM206
    Ceret is a very beautiful town on the edge of the Pyrenees mountains with a beautiful old bridge over the river. Well worth a visit I'd you are in this part if France.
  • NoPegasus
    The Pont du Diable, built in 1321, is one of three bridges in Ceret. Together, they for the letter Z. This bridge, by far the oldest, is no longer used for vehicles, but pedestrians can still cross. Seen from the next bridge, one can see the open spaces within the structure of the bridge that allowed the bridge keeper to live within the brdige itself. It's a great sight to walk across and see from the next bridge.
  • AngusAsh
    This is quite a feet of engineering from the 14th century. Worth a quick visit if you are passing through. For some better views go down the Rue de Moulin on the southern side of the bridge.There is not much information on the bridge so here is the extract from wikipedia.The Pont du Diable (English: Devil's bridge) or Pont Vieux (English: Old bridge) is a medieval stone arch bridge at Céret, France, built between 1321 and 1341. Spanning the river Tech with an imposing single arch of 45.45 m span length, the Pont du Diable featured at the time of its construction the world's largest bridge arch.The apex of the Pont du Diable at its highest point above ground is 22.3 m.
  • realf00die
    Fantastic view and the other two bribes give you a wonderful sense of the movement of time. On some days, you can even stand and watch bungee jumping from it.
  • Albywon
    This pedestrian only bridge dates from the 14th Century and is a very interesting structure. If you are coming to the village from the north you will drive right beside it on a much newer bridge, take time to stop and view.We visited on a Saturday and I must give a thumbs up to the weekly market day, which runs from 9am till 1pm (approx times). Great market for buying Pottery, Cheese, Clothes and Food. We bought lunch and had it nearby. High recommendatiion for Village, Marke and Bridge!
  • littlewarren
    It is one of the three bridges into Céret (one other road and one old railway)but the oldest by quite a few centuries. Its only a 5 minute visit time but you get a nice view of the River Tech, Céret and the other two bridges including an attractive disused railway bridge sometimes used for bungee jumping. Interesting story how it got its name but you will have to visit to find out!
  • agr37243
    This old bridge is situated on the outskirts of town and worth a visit if you are staying in or near Ceret -
  • Cerisaie5Ceret
    Quaint, Historic, A major step forward for bridge architecture in the 11th century. If history is to be believed the locals thought only the devil could have built the bridge as its span was too great for humans to walk across so they sent a black cat across first. Each year now, to commemorate its building a ceremony is performed of this ritual to celebrate the bridge's long survival. (No Cars)
  • zarf11
    Unlike Carcassonne this is a very early bridge, now pedestrian only. The stories told about it may just be legends, but history has passed over it for hundreds of years.
  • Hexagone6x6
    Just outside Ceret, this bridge offers an impressive presence. It is as if the time has moved back hundreds of years. Very nice piece of architecture.
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