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carl larsson-garden

carl larsson-garden

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Blue_Swede
    这里是艺术家Carl Larsson之家,如果你在这个地区, 他家是不可错过的地方。导游很好,非常熟练,带着我们一小组人游览房子,唯一不好的是你不能在那里想待多久就待多久。如果可以的话,尽量读一下有关艺术家的故事,去之前看一看他的一些作品,你绝对会觉得非常有趣。
  • MLE529
    这里是我们丹麦和瑞典之行最重要的目的地之一,千万不要错过了,不过来之前要多了解Carl和Karin Larsson,这样在参观中才会收获更多,这个家主要是他们夫妻的收藏,我们的导游Jonas非常棒,我们是唯一的英语团,由于我们了解的比较多,所以他能告诉我们更多关于夫妻二人的细节。房子很漂亮,每一处角落都是那么的有趣,你来可以在Karin设计的花园里散步,我们是6月底来的,到处都是盛开的花朵。
  • snava19
    以前我一直没听说过拉森这个艺术家,直到近来我去Falun看朋友,在那儿读了一本关于其人和其家庭的书,才有了一知半解。我很喜欢他的画,喜欢他把家庭生活趣事都用图画描绘出来。这是座很可爱的房子,很值得一游,还可以选择你语言的语音导览。如果天气不错,可以去那个小咖啡店坐坐,那里有Dagens Ratt (特价午餐),中午十一点半到下午两点间供应。有一些食品和饮料可以选,价格实惠。
  • Pstok
  • bridge_cmw
  • Magnre
    This is a very beautiful place in the summer. We have been there once a year the last three years. We simply love the place. It is also good for children with the free activities where they can try painting etc. Also take your time to walk in the neighburhood. I recommend taking the tour of the house and afterwards som "fika" in a café. And don´t miss visiting the nearby church where the view over the lake is astounding.
  • Fionayael
    So beautiful. Well-preserved. Helpful staff. You come away with an appreciation for these inspiring gardens, complemented by natural features - water, farmland and forest. Peaceful. Informative. Well worth a visit. Oh, and a cafe. Also, a gift-shop with plenty of goodies.
  • nagonmom
    I have been a fan of the Larssons for decades, and longed to go to their home. It did not disappoint. Our English speaking guide was very helpful, and the home is as amazing as anticipated. Standing in the same room where so much beautiful artwork was created is quite moving. The setting of the home is lovely, near a stream with an old mill, now used to generate power. I would like to point out that knowing what this house means in the history of Swedish decor and culture would be helpful to anyone choosing to tour here. It is not about the gardens per se, but the lifestyle that was lived here, which continues to inspire artists and interior designers and regular people to this day.
  • 903dard
    The garden is absolutely gorgeous and the house is very well preserved. The guide spoke English exceptionally well and knew everything there was to know about the house. He could answer every question asked, was friendly and informative, and was able to keep the group moving without appearing to be in a hurry. Well worth the time and money.
  • mrs_stiggins
    Just a wonderful experience! Even if you have no idea who Carl Larsson or his wife Karin were you will not fail to be moved by their wonderful home and by the village they lived in. It is well worth walking around the idyllic village and looking inside the church, which was decorated by Larsson and to see the family grave. The house is small but they only let so many people in at one time and are very strict about this so it is not a problem. The tour is well worth the fee, and they do timed tours in English as well as Swedish. The restaurant next to the house does a very good hot buffet lunch, eat as much as you like for 12 euros. It is easy to get the bus from Falun and the staff in the tourist information office there will help you with the timetable for that.
  • LB6931
    Fabulous visit for art lovers. Carl Larsson house, studio and gardens have been well preserved and interestingly set up as a tourist attraction.
  • Sweden_Daphne
    A gem to visit but I can imagine it would be difficult in peak holiday times as the house is very small
  • SwedenMats
    A visit to Carl Larsson gården gives a greater understanding of how a very famous artist couple lived a hundred years ago. All furnishings are still there and it seems like the couple with all their kids just left the house to row over to the island some distance out into the lake.
  • Asa74
    The quaint, artistic home of one of the greatest Swedish painters Carl Larsson and his family.Take your time and walk around outside the house after the tour to soak in the beautiful surroundings. Just go there - You will not regret it!
  • HeleneFalun_Sverige
    This is a must if ever visiting Falun with surronding. It is unique with a lot of nice things to do and to watch.In summer they have children art school.
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