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valle verzasca

valle verzasca

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • MozziL
    Wonderful hiking trails up to towards Pizzo di Vogorno, a point of interest was to me: at Odro above Vogorno, at about 1,240 meters above sea level, there is a small ethnographic museum. The village has the oldest church of the Valley, St. Bartholomew. from the early 13th century.
  • Carmichael-Guesthous
    Once you go beyond the dam, you will discover a sparkling blue stream. Beware of the water temperature and the current though as each year there is accidents with foolish visitors doing unreasonable things like the idiot that decided to jump from the roman bridge, 10m above the river. He got a nice wack, but did he lean his lesson? Doubt it...It is so regretful to find numerous cigarette buds and other trash left by careless visitors, in such beautiful sight? Shame on them!An absolute must!!
  • sophoclesj
    Our friend from Lugano suggested we go here, and wow, are we glad we did! We had no idea what to expect, but we found it spectacularly beautiful, and also very interesting. Kids loved it.
  • sinergy436
    In this part of switzerland..stunning vistas..cute villages with an italian feel...check out corrippo you nearly expect to walk into into the godfather
  • bryanmantezoni
    This is absolutely a beautiful place but you need a car to discover and stop anytime you want and take those pretty pictures.If you are in Lugano it's about 45 minutes drive and you must get all the way to the end to a place called Lucano I think, it's passing this val versazca but all the way to where it ends , follow the only street all the way to the end you will find parking at the right, a church to the left, walk towards grotto efra, pass the grotto restaurant and walk another 10 minutes, go up the hill and admire those views and of course the waterfall that you will have about 10 meters from you, you must go up the hill and see those goats around the mountains, impressive and a great experience, highly recommended to do, bring a jacket , it gets cold once you get closer to the waterfalls. Enjoy this beautiful place.
  • adsbaruf
    We drove into Valle Verzasca and planned a short stop at the Ponte dei Salti to see the crystal waters and double arched bridge made of stone. The only mistake we made was not to stay longer. This was an ideal site to sit and have a picnic, while admiring the beauty of the area. Although it was slightly overcast the day we were there, the clouds actually made everything stand out more and it was, for us, the 'gem' in the valley. I'm returning next year with different friends and this is definitely on the itinerary again.
  • pea-n-pod
    The valley is worth a day out with plenty to see. Starting at the Contra Dam (James Bond - Goldeneye) we drove up the valley to the small, pretty village of Corippo - population of 12. We then drove to the double stone arch bridge of Ponte dei Salti where the water is a fabulous blue/green. Plenty were swimming but the multi lingual signs make it very clear that the water can be deadly! At the far end of the valley is Sonogno - a beautiful village with stone cottages
  • come80
    È il classico posto per passare una domenica estiva in assoluto relax. La limpidezza delle acque e le spiagge accoglienti rendono indimenticabile la giornata. Tappa obbligatoria alla diga
  • hansv794
    mooie beekjes leuke oude grotto (kleine eetgelegenheid) heerlijk om te wandelen. en vooral ook nog een rustige omgeving.
  • marloesv444
    Als je in de buurt bent is het zeker een aanrader. Het geweld van het heldere water tezamen met bos en oude stenen huisjes maakt dit een hele gave plek om te wandelen en te genieten.
  • wolfr245
    Dass Valle Vercasca ist ein Gebiet voller Geheimnisse ,-ein Gebiet in dem man Zu jeder Tageszeit, Rehe, Wildschweine, Hasen, Marder, Frösche und FeuersalamanderSehen kann.Die Melezza lädt zum Baden einungestört und in Freier Wildbahn, oder einerWanderung z.b auf den Monte Comino.Mit etwas Glück kann man hier sogar den einen oder anderen Skorpion entdeckendie Übrigens ungefährlich sind, und etwaähnlich wie ein Bienenstich sind,-sollteman doch einmal gestochen werden!KINDER SOLLTEN DARAUF AUFMERKSAMGEMACHT WERDEN, FEUERSALAMANDERUND SCHLANGEN NICHT ANZUFASSEN!EINFACH AUCH ZUR SICHERHEIT! Sie Sehen also,-dieses Gebiet hat einigeszu bieten, -Lassen Sie sich also einenBesuch nicht entgehen. wolf aus Basel.
  • ArinaC_13
    Когда я увидела Valle Verzasca в первые, перед моими глазами пронеслись величественные процессы Земли, когда она бурлила лавой в этих местах..такой дикой, первозданной красоты я не видела нигде. Энергетика зашкаливает.
  • gillesb138
    j'ai lu beaucoup d'articles, avant de visiter la vallée, qui disaient que c’était exceptionnel.Je n'ai rien vu d'exceptionnel, c'est une belle vallée comme il en excite beaucoup dans les alpes avec son caractère qui lui appartient, j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à mettre promener.Ce n'est que mon avis.https://www.facebook.com/GillesBarattiniPhotography
  • IvanD1968
    Parcheggiata l'auto al bivio di Corippo (alla fine della diga) abbiamo risalito la valle sul sentierone che costeggia il fiume. Passando da Lavertezzo (famoso ponte, tuffi, sub, area ristoro, ristoranti, sole e relax) abbiamo continuato su fino a Brione Verzasca (bivio Piee). Dopo una rilassante pausa al ristorante Piee, con l'autopostale siamo rientrati vero l'auto.Bellissimi scorci del fiume, con giochi d'acqua, cascate, mulinelli, spiaggette, sassi enormi, in mezzo ad una natura sempre fresca e rigenerante. Un vero piacere (10 km ca. 3 ore, senza fretta). Bellissimo !
  • 479sergeyk
    Прекрасное место,прекрасные виды,очень интересное место с плотиной,где снимался фильм про Джеймса Бонда.Завораживающие виды,потрясающие горы.Сама долина очень хороша,множество ресторанчиков,где свежая форель и копченая и приготовленная в разных вариантов и наконец замечательная дорого вдоль бурной реки.
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