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dinton pastures country park

dinton pastures country park

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Attilio74
    This place is a hidden gem. Parking and cafe is onsite, although you have to pay for parking. If you want to walk around the lake that makes up the vast majority of this place, it will take a few hours so be prepared. Take water and some nibbles. It can get windy because of the open water. Sailing and boating can be done. And after all that walking you can stop off for a tea and sandwich at the cafe. There is also a play area for kids and plenty of dog walkers.
  • Felikitty
    A beautiful park, perfect for an evening cycle or walk around the lakes. I can't wait for the light evenings to start again so that I can go there after work and unwind. I also applaud the park for including a play area that isn't designed with equipment solely sized for children. It's rare to find a park that recognises that adults with learning difficulties may also want to enjoy play parks. Although there is a charge for the car park, I don't feel that this is excessive when you consider how well maintained the park actually is.
  • LesterSK
    Great for all ages. Parked fee with disabled badge. Amazing amount of wildlife. Pathways are easy even for the elderly. There's a kid's play area too.
  • Igneous_Yacht
    Dinton Pastures, north of Wokingham, is a community space around a number of lakes which were once gravel pits but are now mostly nature reserves. On a nice day there are alway lots of people walking the dog, out with the kids and walking / strolling / running of every age.The old sailing club was taken over by the council and now provides facilities (sailing , canoeing,...) to all comers.The cafe is great set with a nice garden.There is a charge for parking; if your local its well worth a visit (I think there are geocaches too)... but probably not worth a long trip as there are similar places all over the country.
  • bob9191
    Having been a member of the golf section of the park in the past it's hard to understand how the section which brought in to the park a million a year is now gone ,interested to under stand how the park can ever serve in the long term unless the tax payer pays.Car park costing more and more
  • alisonh707
    Great place for dog walkers, joggers, walkers and families, they also have the lovely dragonfly cafe for coffee and cake or lunch.Also a great adventure park for younger members of the family
  • pauldV2928TL
    The new playground is just superb. The lakes have lots of different birds to spot and the routes around the lakes and along the river Loddon provide much variety. My favourite visits were in the snow a few winters ago on my mountain bike with studded knobbly tyres. Went back the next day and found mine were the only tracks. Suggest you come early or late in the day at weekends as it gets very busy with long queues for parking spaces.
  • janv595
    great fun adults and children . Alike young and old. Cafe good and done lovely walks. Dogs welcome which is great
  • weekendwhileaway
    A pleasant country park within cycling distance of Wokingham town. Lots of water bird life, trees, shrubs and walking routes. Paid car-parking. Several entrance points making for alternate routes around and through. Proper paths but they can be muddy underfoot. The Loddon river runs to one side and the lakes are old gravel workings.
  • cox936
    we havent visited dinton pastures for a while so finding the new play area was a bonus, what a brilliant selection of play equipment to suit all ages, it was a bit muddy in places but that adds to the fun and then feeding the ducks and swans and a walk around the lake then back to the cafe for hot chocolate......a couple of hours well spent.
  • 675ashleighh
    Brilliant park, cafe and walks. Never a trouble with larking as the overflow car park is great. Very cheap to make a whole day out of it either with friends and or family
  • UKDazzleUK
    Nice place to walk around if you fancy stretching your legs. There are lots of foot paths to walk down but not very nice if it's been raining on a previous days as the paths are shaded and there are plenty of puddles. The play area is nice but on busy days it appears everyone come to this place and so everywhere is very crowded. Nice to visit once in a while during the summer when it is sunny.
  • DarrenSandhurst
    New kids play area is excellent and all you pay for is the carpark!! Nice walk around the lake as well
  • Y3646YLjohnm
    The food is good and the staff are all friendly but in busy times it can be a wait for food and drinks. A better organised service could help.
  • 708stevej
    This is basic and as long as you expect http you will not be disappointed. It's fun and Friendly great for children and families in general
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