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carmike cinemas 12

carmike cinemas 12

  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • dianefireeyes
    I have visited this theatre many times over the past three years and it's a really nice and clean place with good seating, but please expect a long wait time for tickets, refreshments and the movie itself. Every time we go there, we have to wait in a line that reaches the outer door and sometimes flows outside into the parking lot. Even with three to four cashiers there to purchase tickets from, there are lines that stretch back to the outer door! Then, you get to wait in another long line to purchase popcorn, drinks or candy, and that's with six cashiers assisting customers! I usually have to go and seat my pre-teen children first, so that we will at least get a decent seat and then I have to go back and stand in the long line for popcorn and a drink. They also have at least 20 minutes of commercials and previews of other movies before your movie even begins! I am not exaggerating when I tell you that one day I didn't buy refreshments (just because I didn't feel like standing in line so long) and I sat through 30 minutes of TV commercials and previews of other movies and a lot of it just repeats itself! By the time the movie actually starts, you are totally frustrated with the whole experience. Expect a 15 to 20-minute wait in the ticket line, another 20 to 25 in the refreshment line and I'm beginning to think they purposely have 30 minutes of commercials and previews to give you time to get through those long lines! DO NOT ever go to a new movie that just opened. I seriously advise you to go one week AFTER it opens, so that you don't encounter such a long wait, because there have been several times that I've had to buy tickets for the next showing because the time slot that I wanted has been sold out. Then, we have to go and kill two hours of time and then go back to see the movie. Also, DO NOT go when there's any type of school break going on because it will be even more crowded. I have seriously considered just going to my favorite drive-in theatre in Blue Ridge, instead of dealing with all of that.
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