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pope county courthouse

pope county courthouse

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • nokinoki
    Tony and I was visiting this Historical little River town in Illinois. The town is nestled along the river and is lovely. There are many old homes and some of them need to be restored. There is a nice river road that you can drive along and the small main street town is lovely. The Pope County Courthouse is a large lovely building from 1816. We parked and walked around the grounds and I took some great photos.Brief history of the building:Pope county was established January 10, 1816 from portions of Gallatin and Johnson Counties. The county seat was originally Sarahsville which was renamed Golconda in 1817 and has continued in Golconda since. The brick courthouse was built 1872-1873 and little has changed on its exterior appearance since its construction.They were getting ready for an annual festival that weekend on the grounds of the courthouse lawn. I really enjoyed this small historical town. I can't wait to go back again.
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