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plow creek farm

plow creek farm

  • 等级:2A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Vicki221
    So, if you look at the website for this business it shows some awesome looking berries and other things. We called the phone number the day before our long drive out to this Farm.First, it was extremely hard to find. Once we arrived you have to drive up a dirt road thatis supposed to be for 2 cars, but there is no way; someone will be backing up! The fieldwas extremely small. We gave the benefit of the doubt on the condition of some of thebushes given that this past Winter was bad. With that said, however, there were barely anyberries on the bushes and those we could find were so small we almost left. I think that thefarmer should have been more aware of the conditions and posted a message on his machinethat had said "Sorry, we are out of Berries and Please Visit us next year". So folks, unless you are hitting this Berry Farm early when Berries are first seen on thebushes, I would say to save the Gas and time and look for another Berry Farm.
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