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armstrong air & space museum

armstrong air & space museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    The year was 1969 and the mood was as high as the man on the moon. Neil A...


  • MGW1802
    I noticed the signs for the museum on a business trip, so on the way back I decided to stop off.The museum is just of the freeway & is relatively cheap, it's not a big place, but there is so much of Neil Armstrong's actual gear, he must have taken it with him when he left NASA!...It's a combination of the life & times of a great astronaut, a history of US & Russian space travel & some of the political background behind the historical events.Whilst the museum is only about a 1-2 hour visit, it's worth a stop off if your passing & worth a journey if you are a space fan.....just got to do the Cosmonaut museum in Russia now :-)
  • 366RichardM366
    We drove up from Dayton to the Armstrong Air and Space Museum (about an hour). The museum gave my youth group a great rate and a free tour guide. The museum is packed full of history and outstanding items from Neil's activities, other astronauts, and the space program in general. This was a good museum for youth as it had several interactive items.
  • BridgetW
    If you are in Wapak you have to see the space museum. It is a wonderful tribute to Neil Armstrong as well as the space program. It contains many artifacts that are interesting and historical. A good place for young and old to learn and interact.
  • LaurenW675
    I went here solely to get a stamp for my Aviation Trail passport and was pleasantly surprised. A lot of nice background on Neil Armstrong and the beginnings of the space programs. The capsule, space suits and moon rock were pretty cool to see. Even if you're not into space history, it is still worth a visit.
  • 173jasonp
    A small town celebrates its native son in a well designed museum. I've been to a number of these kinds of museum and have learned to set my standards lower. This was a pleasant surprise. Despite its small footprint it packs a lot in. The movie is dated but because they focus on what it was like at the time via news reals and interviews it's really interesting. You can get very close to the displays and they're designed with kids in mind. Allow 60-90 min.
  • ManCook67
    I live in Wapakoneta and I've been through this Museum several times. This is one of the places where history is recorded that should never be forgotten. Neal Armstrong was the first human to step foot on another heavenly body, which changed the world and life as we know it. Remember what he said as he placed his foot on the moon; "That's on small step for man, one giant leap formankind". The museum is full of information on all the Astronauts. School groups come from all over the country to see what many consider one of the greatest moments in man's history.
  • thebutcher
    Very interesting to see the history. was manly about landing on the moon and the start of the space program. Lots of facts im sure I forgot over time but was really cool to see again.
  • dragon175
    This museum is right off freeway. If you have time it's worth it. Admission is reasonably priced. Has a lot of things to look at and read about the space program. Had short film about moon landing.
  • 912allenb
    We have been meaning to visit here for a couple of years. We finally decided to visit Wapakoneta and the museum last weekend. I found the displays, the information, the presentations and the memorabilia to be quite interesting and informative. It may not be the largest or most elaborate museum but my expectations were pleasantly exceeded. I will probably visit again within the next few years.
  • jaydee46
    If you are into air and space history, this is worth a visit. Mostly focused on local boy Neil Armstrong and the 1960's NASA era.
  • Accutron
    The Armstrong Air & Space Museum was a serious disappointment. Maybe it's because I grew up near the Air Force Museum, or maybe it's because I have a far more impressive collection of aerospace artifacts in my living room, but I found the Armstrong museum to be abjectly boring. The facility is very small - only the most mentally challenged person would take longer than 15 minutes to fully absorb the content of this museum. The 'infinity room' is nothing more than a hallway lined with cheap plastic mirrors and Christmas lights. The video presentation, which takes place in the world's most antiquated planetarium, is a poorly produced half-hour documentary on the Apollo program, which I gleefully napped through. At the end of the tour, you're greeted with several laughably bad lunar simulators and a wide array of life-size Star Trek cardboard character cutouts. Of course, the only way out is through the gift shop, where you're greeted with the typical arrangement of overpriced model rockets, die-cast space shuttles and soforth. The only redeeming value of this museum is the small amount of real artifacts they have, such as Armstrong's space suit and several Westinghouse lunar cameras - all of which should be promptly donated to the Air Force Museum in Dayton so the Armstrong museum can be put out of its misery. In the end, I paid $8 to take a 30 minute nap, which allowed me to dream about being *anywhere else*, which is why I'm giving the Armstrong Air & Space Museum two stars instead of the one star it properly deserves.
  • didilee
    If you have an interest in Neil Armstrong, the space program or the first moon landing, this museum is a great place to visit. Located right off the highway, it's an easy place to find and full of interesting artifacts from the early space era. It won't take more than an hour or two to see the whole exhibit, but you will find it worth the time.
  • 44kks
    Don't miss the Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio. Many artifacts can be viewed of Neil Armstrong's memorabilia from his boyhood to astronaut. Neil's bicycle that he road to the airport to get flying lessons. Also there is his Boy Scout Wolf patrol flag that was signed by Neil and each member of the patrol. You can purchased many things relating to space and aeronautics. You can even try to land the lunar lander.
  • ObserverGuy
    Museum is fine if you are of age to be a fan of the past space program. They do have one real capsule which is Gemini VIII. Good place to stop off of the freeway, stretch your legs, and learn about this excitement of the 1960's.
  • kauaigirl1221
    Had no idea so many astronauts came from Ohio. Museum was good - if you like NASA and space stuff. Smaller scale but had a few interactive activities like docking the space capsule - not as easy as it looks. Nice reminder going back into time with "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Gift shop had original mission patches for sale too - that was awesome!
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