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chinese camp

chinese camp

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Alyne
    We have been in the Sonora area many times, but we made a quick trip through Chinese Camp this time. There are still several of the original buildings. They aren't in the best of shape and they aren't open to the public. It is still interesting to see the old community without the tourist entrapments. The Chinese laborers settled here during the goldrush. It only takes a few minutes to drive through the area.Many of the buildings have signs telling what they were. I believe that the Post Office is still in operation.
  • JohnRobertR
    Chinese Camp is a pleasant historic community. Very close to Yosemite and Sonora, CA. Many different attractions in the general area of Chinese Camp. Home and land prices are at an all time low. The entire area is a pleasant escape from the San Francisco Bay Area. Highly recommend.
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