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savannah lakes village monticello golf club

savannah lakes village monticello golf club

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • StephenD901
    Great course... not a great club house... small with limited hours and menu. The course is challenging and kept in great shape. Not hard to get on to play. Surprisingly, the weekends are pretty open with most of the resident retirees getting their shots in during the week. Give it a try. Oh yea, very reasonable $$$ for such a nice course.
  • captmorgan40
    Located on Thurmond Lake in the Savannah Lakes Village, this golf course is as beautiful as it is challenging. If you have a low handicap the back tee's will be all you can handle. The course is on the USGA Tour.
  • 424derrickg
    If you enjoy golf like I do this is one of the best golf courses to play on and I am a weekend golfer who shoots in the 90's, of all the courses I've played on Monticello Golf Course is the best so far. The course is green all around with houses lining the far way and a lake surrounding some of the greens. the grass is plush cut just right with green putting greens almost like what the pro's play on. I would recommend this course to who ever plays and love the game, but be warn it is not an easy course it will challenge you.
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