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national grasslands visitor center

national grasslands visitor center

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • matous
    Lowkey, very informative. Very helpful Ranger. Down the street from WallDrugs. Doesn't take long, but well worth how ever long you stay.
  • andre2p
    Great place for learning about Grasslands and other natural resources. Convenient to all the shops near Wall Drug. Highly recommended.
  • ZKY22
    A little off the highway but well worth the stop.A few exhibits inside and a wealth of information.We finally found out where to go to see some Buffalo so that made our trip complete.
  • 90jacka
    The visitor's center was modern and contained several worthwhile displays and a good introductory movie regarding the significance of the grasslands. Staff was friendly and knowledgeable.
  • 293nancyt
    This is a beautiful, well run visitors center that covers all the national grasslands in the country.Very interesting displays. You will learn about all the grasslands and how important it is to keep these special places for the plants and animals that live there. Very worthwhile! So glad we had it on our itinerary.
  • PaulLuehrmann
    This located just down Main Street from Wall Drug. With a small but informative museum and a 15 minute movie, I came out knowing much more about the history and ecology of these beautiful lands. Good for the kids and for inquisitive adults. The staff is first rate at answering questions.
  • crkrts6
    We only have a few minutes to spare but stopped in anyway. The staff were friendly and helpful. They have a short video you can watch but we didn't have time. Nice, very small museum.
  • M8324AVjenniferb
    We came to see Wall Drug, but ran into this interesting place as well. The beauty of Wall, SD is that you can walk to just about everything this town has to offer. The National Grassland Museum had a great video, a nice gift shop, good staff and some interesting exhibits. Put some dollars in the donation box (they deserve it) and spend some time here. The Grasslands cover over half of South Dakota, learn about them!
  • 698nital
    A surprising attraction! Lots of information, great video, pleasant people to help you and things to buy if you need. Worth a stop!
  • MarkM354
    Spend a half hour here while you're in Wall at Wall Drug. Very friendly staff. Has a nice museum with lots of information about National Grasslands and the local animals. The Badlands are surrounded by National Grasslands and this stop gives you good information about them.
  • PromoGuyNY
    I'll cut to the chase on this review. Everyone who works here is wonderful! I learned so much during our visit about grasslands, wildlife and the dust bowl! Dust traveled from here all the way to New York! The staff is so kind, friendly, and they know everything about this area. We can't praise them enough! We spent about $100 on educational kids gifts for relatives because all the money goes into the grasslands, and guess what people.......we own the grasslands!!!!! MAKE A DONATION! ENJOY!!!
  • Resingle1
    from the visitor's center. Admission is free. There is, however, a donations box situated at the exit doors.One of the rangers on duty directed us, and another couple, to a cinema room where we watched a 20-minute video about the National Grasslands National Parks. Very informative, reasonably comfortable seating and a good sound system. Their museum / exhibit area is a bit sparse, but between the movie and the displays you can glean enough information to consider this a worthwhile one-hour stop.
  • bohemianparrothead
    What a great find! It's a small but very well put together informational center on the (mostly mid-) US grasslands. If you spend as much if not more time here as you would or did at Wall Drug, you'd be a better person. A great 25 minute film gives a good overview of the mission/scope. The displays are informative with fun things to keep the young and young-at-heart entertained.
  • 950claudep
    This is the National visitor center for all US National Grass Lands. There is more information and exhibits than you might expect. Very informative. What makes this visitor center special is the rangers and people who work there. We have stopped in 3 times at least and asked questions about the National Grassland and Badlands National Park and have received accurate answers and information as well as VERY helpful suggestions and tips. These people care. Probably because unlike Yellowstone, they are not inundated with daily throngs of tourists asking insipid questions like what kind of candy they should buy to feed the Bison. If you need some information or have a question stop in. If you want to see some good exhibits on the prairie or it's wildlife, stop in. You won't be disappointed.
  • Rhonda-from-Oz
    good gift shop, good cafe, interesting food, great view of the Badlands as you eat, picnic area and campground
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