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town creek indian mound

town creek indian mound

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • 345patricial
    Town Creek Indian Mound is a wonderful place that takes you back to the prehistoric Native Americans. The village has been recreated to authenticity and are identified by plaques.you walk along the village and explore the buildings, there even is a trail along the river. There are special events during the year so check their calendar.
  • Funwiththree2014
    This was a great day to visit. Staff was amazing, able to keep my three year grandson under control. My granddaughter has been studying native americans in 4th grade and great opportunity for her to view. The burial hut was very interesting and really give my granddaughter a lot to think about, my granddaughter enjoyed the video and was able to explain things that I had missed, grandson could not make it, Queen Anne Revenge traveling exhibit was great and museum staff assisted my grandson in making an eye patch, sword and hook hand which really made him happy. The silence inside the mound was amazing, a waterfall could be heard from the site. Many things they do during the year which I plan to keep up with. We had a great educational time and the staff was fabulous. I was well pleased and plan to return.
    This is a small area to visit that takes less than an hour to see everything. The small museum is clean and the exhibits are in good repair. A movie was 18 minutes and very informative. A short walk on a mowed path through a field of goldenrod takes you to the mound. It has three structures to see. The cost is by donation.
  • Curtez151
    interesting history. random as it is in the middle of no where. took a while on the motorcycle to get here. maybe 1 hr 20 min from charlotte. the staff was completly clueless of the questions that i had, so they might as well have a sign that states "please refrain all questions until you get home so you have the chance to google." the area was interesting, i feel like more could be done to improve the site.
  • brettholland123
    This used to be a wonderful place to go in the late 80's early 90 but now it is just average. On our last visit I took my kids and you can no longer get in the huts
  • regiontravelreturns
    Worth your hour! Unusual site that is reasonably well-developed and nicely interpreted. Includes ample parking, visitors' center, reconstructed village including burial mound, small exhibit including archeological information and the history of the exploration of the site, gift shop with local and academic books. Spend about 20-30 minutes inside and then the same amount of time outside in the village area exploring the information about burial mounds (includes a modest incline to enter one building). Best to do on a day when you feel comfortable outside (spring, fall days would be good ones). Staff obviously cared about site and were knowledgeable about it. Small donations requested but no admission fee.
  • JLo05
    Students from my school had taken field trips to Town Creek, but I had never been. I was in the area, and decided to check it out. Although the day was very hot and humid, I found the experience worthwhile. The small museum displays artifacts from the site and there is an orientation film that does a decent job of introducing the area. My 13 year old niece and I enjoyed exploring the site and the nature trail. I would recommend a visit, but suggest you go in the fall, when the weather is a bit more tolerable.
  • waxapahaw
    Beautiful scenery, amazing history, great presentation & helpful, friendly staff. The kids loved the arrowheads & going into the huts. Very informative video and knowledgeable staff. Even if you have only a passing interest in Native American history, this is the place to see!
  • mickeywebber
    Five of us planned a day trip to Town Creek Indian Mound on 8/10/13 because it was a special events day. My son used clay to mold a bowl with designs on it like the indians used. He also got to mud the wall on a hut on the site. There was an artisan there who was selling arrowheads and other items he had made. Although there was not as much there as I had imagined, I still liked an learned much about the indians who had lived there. I would go on a special events day though as there is more happening. Check out the website.
  • KarenT487
    Great for children but for an adult I found it boring. Not really much to see there. They do a good job of reacting the indian ways.
  • 137BarbaraB
    Reconstrucion of a Southeastern Appalachian Mississippan Village. Very informative. A typical village surrounded by a pavillion. Three rebuilt structures in the village area. The museum out front shows a 20 min. movie before the tour. Artifacts can be seen inside the museum. They have a small gift shop and restroom facilities. Snack machines located outside the building or candy for sale inside. Donations but not fixed entrance fee. Also be noted there is a little uphill path to one of the buildings(people with bad knees take note) and you have to bend your head low to enter the buildings. My husband smacked his head a wee bit--he is 6 ft. 1 in.
  • wbullseye
    The Town Creek Indian Mound is located down the road from the center of Mount Gilead. The site was originally owned by a local farmer who turned over a small parcel to the State for archeological study. Eventually more was sold in order to determine the significance of the mound in the middle of the open field. The buildings on the site are reconstructions built like what they may have looked like in the past.The archeologists uncovered burial sites and foundations of buildings and took care on documenting their findings. They reburied most of the remains as respect to the past. There is a museum which you can view a short 26 minute film and take a look at some of the artifacts found during the excavation. The site is free, but you must register first. They do take donations.What is strange is the fact that they are not upfront that the find was a Native American burial site, which they do eventually. You would think that they would put more emphasis on this part of the State's history. I would recommend watching the video, since that is where you will get to learn the history. Don't know if they give tours or not.You enter the site through the visitor center along a path. You enter the compound through a small entrance in the wall. You see the mound from a distance and have a chance to enter the structures inside the compound. There is a small display in the mortuary building which is the first one on the right as you enter.The site is open from Tuesday through Saturday from 0900-1700 and Sunday from 1300-1700. They are closed Mondays and holidays. I would recommend visiting the site if in the vicinity. Don't know if I would go out of my way just to see it. You do get to learn about a piece of history outside the normal history lessons.
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