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turtle creek parkway

turtle creek parkway

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • Atworth
    The sign for Shopiere Road catches my eye each time I drive under it on I-90 near Beloit. On Sunday, when we heard that the "prettiest bridge in Rock County" spanned the Turtle Creek just off Shopiere Road, we decided to take that exit and check it out. Drive east through Shopiere toward Clinton to the village of Tiffany. After you pass under the Union Pacific railroad bridge, turn left on South Smith Road and cross a narrow 10 ton steel trestle bridge. Look left down stream you will see a magnificent five arch limestone bridge roughly seven stories high and nearly four hundred feet long. The bridge was built 150 years ago by the Chicago & Northwestern Railway and is still in use. Rock County the bought land along the stream adjacent to bridge and created the Turtle Creek Parkway. The meadows are beautiful and there is a club house which can be rented for private parties.https://www.co.rock.wi.us/parks-turtle-creekhttp://johnmarvigbridges.org/Tiffany%20Stone%20Bridge.html
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