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emmett till historic intrepid center

emmett till historic intrepid center

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • OnTheRoadAgainTexas
    A simple, low budget museum in a tiny town in the building that housed the cotton gin that was a key site in the murder of Emmett Till. Not fancy, low tech, and that's where it gets its effectiveness. Driving through the tiny town to get to the museum is part of the experience.
  • JoyG407
    I agree with ThomasK 1981: definitely a haunting experience and a story that needs to be told. I visited Glendora with a wonderful group called: "Partners in Development" (www.pidonline.org). We went to this largely forgotten town to support the engaging community in improving their lives. We had the privilege of visiting this museum. They do a superb job in providing vivid, visual artifacts; press clippings; testimonials; and related civil rights history within their small confines. The injustice enacted, not just to Emmett Till and his family, but to our entire country, through the acquittal of his murderers, must NEVER be repeated. As with the Holocaust, we must tell the story so that we may never forget, and it may never happen again. You may have to drive a little out of your way to see this... and I guarantee, once you do, it will be one of the stories you tell others upon your return home.
  • ThomasK1981
    Anyone fascinated about civil rights history should make this a must stop. If you're expecting the Smithsonian in Glendora, MS, then you may be disappointed. But I was shocked at how well they did creating a stirring and genuinely well crafted museum with little resources. This museum will provide a lot of insight to the uniformed, and for people well versed in the facts surrounding the Emmett Till case, this will provide a visceral experience that will long stay with you. Glendora, as it is today, does not require great imagination to imagine it as it was in 1955. And to stand in the same Cotton Gin that Till was murdered in 60 years ago, and walk through the events as they unfolded -- this is a powerful experience that should not be missed. And unlike the Smithsonian, you will likely have it all to yourself.
  • glynnk2013
    I have read a good bit on this (and other) civil rights era events, including Simeon's Story about the Emmett Till murder. And I would have to agree that this museum did not actually tell me anything I didn't already know, as one reviewer already said. But it certainly helped me to visualize, and put in context, that which I already knew. It is located in the very cotton gin from which the fan that was tied to Emmett Till's body was taken.I found it nicely done. I do think they made a slight mistake in the name. I think they must have meant ":interpretive" rather than "intrepid."
  • DGraham2013
    I was over joyed to see that the memory and spirit of Emmett Till is remembered in the Mississippi Delta. I remember that he was a boy, brutalized and killed by an angry mob of white men over nothing. They were cowards and they were afraid to go alone. This is black history and they tell it in a way that older people can appreciate and younger people can glean from a history that happened. This was a surprise stop while on my trip but a pleasant experience that I will enjoy again. You owe it to yourself to see this exhibit.
  • grahaml888
    At the absolute best, you can characterize this as a valiant attempt to provide some context to the tragedy of Emmett Till's murder. But then you watch a self aggrandizing opening video, made the museum's founder (who happens to be the mayor of Glendora) and you realize that this museum is nothing but a giant ego stroking campaign on his part.The "exhibits," such as they are, are poorly constructed and poorly arranged. Things are out of order, paint cans littered the floor, and worst of all, absolutely no insight was provided into the case. Attendees would have learned more if they simply pulled out their iPhones and read Wikipedia.If you're in the Delta to learn and understand Jim Crow, segregation, and racial violence, there are far better uses of your time then this exhibit.
  • Bob_Michaels
    A valiant recent effort to document the Emmett Till story but actually little inside other than some recreated static exhibits. I learned nothing new from my visit.Glendora is an interesting town to explore. Same for Money MS and Tutwiler MS which also played key roles in the Emmett Till story.
  • LuckyOne07
    The Emmett Till museum is a wonderfully informative Tour bearing testament to an event which was a catalyst for the for the modern civil rights movement. Although depressing and unsettling, this story is one that can not go untold. Our guide did a fabulous job providing insight to the myths and facts surrounding this horrific case while never failing to point out the the fact that even out of such evil, good can spring forth. I am looking forward to another visit in the future when they have their expansion project complete as well.
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