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nottoway falls

nottoway falls

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Mere2006
    If you want to get to Nottoway Falls, search for Nottoway Dam on your GPS. Basically, you need to get to SR 49 (Falls Rd) going south and cross the Nottoway River. The Dam should be on your right as you go over the bridge and the falls on the left. Take the gravel road to the right after you cross the bridge. There's a gate here, which if it is open you can proceed down to a public boat launch area. Park in that lot or the lot slightly higher up. Then you'll want to walk to your right, as you stand facing the water. Eventually you will find a service road leading down to a building affiliated with the dam and then a path that goes to the rocks under the bridge. From there, you can follow a trail that goes further down and you'll eventually find smaller trails leading to the left down to the falls. This is not a long or strenuous walk! The part that is challenging is walking on the rocks, which can be slippery because of either algae or powdery lichen. However, it's a beautiful spot. Keep going further down for more rocks and amazing natural sites. There is no port a potty or bathroom of any kind here and no place to buy snacks or gas for miles, so take care of all of that before you come. Likewise, no trash cans - please PLEASE tote your own trash back out! You can safely walk most of this barefoot. We did not swim or float, altho you could do that. I took my 4- and 7-yr-old with me, and they did fine on most of it but needed some help over bigger rocks or slippery spots. Lovely!
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