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los lunas museum of heritage and arts

los lunas museum of heritage and arts

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • NMEagerTraveler
    Museum has a variety of changing exhibits, including local history (local Civil War skirmish included), art exhibits by local artists, etc. Programs with local speakers at various times; book signings of New Mexico authors. Museum has a growing volume of books on local history and genealogy
  • PLM654
    Little jewel nestled in a unprepossessing corner in Los Lunas. Once you enter, you are transported into the art and culture of the Rio Abajo. The hangings change regularly, special speakers bring in topics ranging from local fiber arts to an archaeological dig along the Rio Puerco. Polished wood floors and recessed lighting, along with halls and niches lead to exploration and surprises at each turn. Go for a guest lecture, or just wander the current exhibit; you will not be disappointed.
  • RosanneR_13
    We had the opportunity to speak and do a book signing in this great museum recently. Andrea Chavez, Museum Specialist was so welcoming. There is so much to explore here. They have a fantastic exhibit highlighting New Mexico's participation in the Civil War that was really worth seeing. I learned so much! Don't miss this museum when traveling in the area. - Phil and Rosanne Archuletta, Authors, Women Marked for History
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