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cross estate gardens

cross estate gardens

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • stevesottl
    The Cross Estate is now part of the larger Jockey Hollow preservation area. The house is not open to the public, Federal employees who service the parks live there. The gardens are open to the public and maintained by a very active group of enthusiasts. They are well planted and tended and a joy during the growing season.
  • MitchPhyllis65
    The Cross Estate Gardens are located on the site of the New Jersey Brigade Unit of the Morristown National Historical Park. The Cross Estate and its formal gardens with a wisteria covered pergola is a gardeners dream. There is also a fascinating stone water tower on the property. No fee is charged to visit the gardens. The Cross house wasn’t open when we visited, but the gardens were. There is no outdoor public restroom in the New Jersey Brigade area.
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