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bell witch cave and cabin

bell witch cave and cabin

  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 974jessp
    While on a road trip we planned on stopping at the Bell Witch Cave. We stopped out on a Saturday knowing their hours are 10-5pm. We arrived around 10:30 in the morning only to find the gate was closed. Next to the gate was a sign with the days and hours. Clearly it should have been open. the sign provided a number to call. we called the number and no one ever answered. After waiting 10 minutes, we decided to leave. Disappointed, that we made a little detour, only to come to a unorganized attraction.
  • ExportLove
    I wished we could have done the cave too, but we were on a road trip and had already killed an hour waiting for it to open, so we did the cabin. The history is pretty neat. The girl who did our tour was only 11, but all of the stories are pre-recorded and she just had to lead us to the different rooms and press play. She was able to answer our questions at the end though! This cabin is actually not the original, but a rebuild of what the cabin would have looked like. The original was actually down the road, but no longer exists. They do not allow pictures in the cabin or inside the fence. I would recommend this as a neat place to stop if you are passing nearby, but not exactly a destination place. The drive to Adams is scenic with winding roads, but there isn't too many places for dining nearby. There is one old gas station and surprisingly a Dollar General.
  • Thenormajean
    We were heading to Memphis to a tournament and decided to take a detour to this cave.I am so happy I decided to make the drive with my 17 and 13 year old boys and 15 year old girl. They agreed unanimously to rate this a 5- three teen siblings don't agree often. It gave us a nice brief taste of history and nature because of the story and beautiful cave. The four of us loved the couple that owned the land. The husband was working on the corn fields and drove his tractor to greet us at the gift shop. I know someone said above that he was grumpy. He was a pleasure to talk to and loved telling us about his grandchild. He added to the charm of the whole tour. His wife reflected a great appreciation/respect for the customs of those that lived there so any years ago. She loved the cave so she made the tour truly interesting. We did not have time for canoeing, but we could see where it is and it was an awesome river surrounded with beautiful plants and sounds. I wish we planned for the canoe part too. We will definitely go back if we are in TN. Norma Jean
  • fenianguy
    We showed up and were greeted by a mildly grumpy man sitting in the gift shop - presumably one of the proprietors. He didn't really talk much to us and made us feel like we had just stopped by some random house and were bothering them haha. We had to ask if they did tours, and when I asked how much (mostly to cut the tension) he pointed up to a price board. We paid and he radioed to the guide. She showed up just a few minutes later and didn't initially introduce herself either. She was nice we later found out, but it was just kinda awkward. The cave is really pretty and nice and cool as caves are. The ground is really rough so you have to wear the right shoes and be prepared to bend down really low. As far as the story of the cave goes....I'm not sure it sounds very haunted. Apparently there was only 1 incident within the cave....so I'm not sure why you'd tour it other than to see a cool cave. Honestly it was a bit out of the way and not worth the money. For half the price I would have considered it fair enough....but for what they are charging they aren't delivering enough to make it worth it. Nice enough people I'm sure, but I definitely wouldn't go back nor would I take anybody else there nor recommend anyone to go.
  • 521helenac
    We had an amazing time touring the Bell Witch Cave, Chris was a great tour guide, worth the trip. We were too late for the cabin tour. The rock formations inside the cave are very cool
  • 411christyb
    We went for a trip to tour the Cave and I wasn't expecting much after reading the reviews. We were pleasantly surprised! The cave tour is pretty short as you would have to walk in rather deep water and mud to go further. The guide, Chris, was great and very informative. Worth a trip if your local.
  • SARicher
    Skip the cabin. It is a replica and you are walked around by the rather laconic son-in-law of the owners whose job is to turn on and off a pre-recorded tour. Plus, you cannot take pictures of the set-up inside; as a photographer, there were a couple of spots that would have made for a nice portrait shot of my family.Fortunately, the cave was interesting and the owner, Chris, was an energetic guide. I would definitely advise going to see the cave. Be warned, however, that if you are not steady on your feet, this is not a tour for you.
  • coxthatrox
    Decided to try this out as one of the many adventures my friend and I take. I left a ballgame early just to try to make it in time to see the cabin. When we got there the man that was telling us about it rudely informed us that we could not take our cameras in the cabin, but never mentioned that we could put them in the car and still have time for the tour. We headed down to the cave to catch up with a group that was on thier way in. The cave is interesting as far as caves go. And for some odd reason my camera would not work when I first got in there. (And that was before the guide said that seemed to happen to people a lot). I was not impressed at all with the set up, attitudes, and cost of the visit. I would not drive that far again to do it. And not pay that much money. I would not really suggest this as a must see for the area.
  • 52PeggyH
    drove up there for Halloween by the time we got there the cabin was getting ready to start it's last tour... the gentleman that waited on us was a little standoffish & rude sternly told me I could not take my camera in the cabin even if it was turned off... so we did not do the cabin tour ...only after we paid for him to say "I would of given you time to take it to your car" :0.... the cave tour was nice & the guide was very informative of the history fact or fiction surrounding the cave & site.. the cabin is a reproduction... there are tables there to sit down, snack & that night had a nice barrel fire going... ambiance was nice... was going to do the haunted hayride till found out how much they charged for a 15 min hayride that basically goes nowhere / the guy selling the tickets :( over all was disappointed that I drove over 1 hr for a cave tour ... few decorations but not much... with the rep that the Bell witch has I figured there would be more to this.. not worth the time or money
  • tnldy2013
    Our tour was led by a 10 year old (Granddaughter?)! Got nothing out of the cabin tour AT ALL. The little girl pushed play for the DVD and then just looked throughly bored to be there. Our tour group was only nice because of her age. She gave no answers to any questions, just nonchalantly would try to make up an answer.The cave tour was by the owners daughter. Horrible! We got no history and no stories, other than they found "some indian on some bluff and buried her there." What does that have to do with anything!?! I think I would have rather had the grumpy old man.All in all, not worth it. It's not the Bell property, no real artifacts (other than a pot the 10 year old told us they didn't use much), and our tour group knew the history better. Very sad.
  • andriachannels
    We went to the Bell Witch Caves this past weekend for something to do relating to Halloween. We thought it would be a great idea since they have a "Haunted Hayride." My husband and I spent $44 to enter the cave and for the Hayride. We thought that was pretty expensive but figured it must be really great. Well, we waited in line to enter the cave for 40 minutes. And not because there was a line...we were in front of the line, but because there was NO organization. Numerous times customers asked the lady what was taking so long, how long would we have to wait, how long are you actually in the cave and she was unable to answer any of them because it was her first day on the job. Eventually, once she had 40 customers in line and many complaining, she radioed down to the woman giving the cave tours and asked how many people she wanted to come down. She sent all of us down. The caves are not large...imagine 40 people crammed in there, not to mention, that MUST be some sort of safety hazard. We entered the cave and the lady recites basically word for word what is written on the website. So, I could have looked at pictures and read the info off the website and see the cave just as well instead of traveling there. She didn't talk about the rock formations in the cave or anything. The water in the cave is "supposedly" from a Natural Spring. Supposedly? How hard is it to find out if it's a natural spring? All of the facts about the cave were "supposed" because no one has taken the time to find out the facts. For example, how far it goes back, ect. It was extremely dissapointing. We spent all of 15-20 in the cave and then headed back up for the Haunted Hayride. Oh boy. We all crammed onto this low riding wagon that required us to sit on the floor of the wagon which was super uncomfortable. We were sitting close to the tractor and he went so fast that it flew pieces of hay up at us causing us not able to look forward without getting hay in our eyes. There were maybe 6 characters on this 15 minute trail, but no worries, if you missed the fog horns the first time, you go back down the same trail to leave, so you get to see all the same stuff again. I could NOT believe we spent more than $2 for this hayride because that's all it was worth. I think the only people that enjoyed it were the two 6 year olds sitting across from us. If you're looking for something Halloween to do, please do not go here. It's not worth the money AT ALL. It is a complete rip off. As we were leaving, my husband and I were wondering if they feel bad for stealing people's money. We spent a few dollars more at Honeysuckle farms and enjoyed 3 haunted houses, Nights of lights train, pumpkin patch and more. http://www.honeysucklehillfarm.com/
  • Dragnslar2
    Your father may be stressed out, but that comes from working with the public. He knew this when he opened an area that has the renowned history that the Bell Witch area has. Millions have read about it and want to see it. So when he bought it he knew that. There is no excuse to be rude, stressed or otherwise, to the people that make the money for you. I had read the books and looked up every bit of information I could find on this area and the phenomena that took place here, and really wanted to see the area. But now I dont think I will. It is a shame that the Bell family let your father buy this historical area.
  • jilll238
    The people are friendly and we had a small group tour of the cave and the reconstructed house. I would have rather maybe had the tour guide narrate the tour himself as we listened to recordings. You aren't allowed to take pictures inside the house but you can inside the cave. The cave was very neat and the guide gave a lot of history and stories about who had been there and what had happened. Not sure if I believe the stories or not but it was fun none the less :)
  • mcarbl
    We went to visit this place as "something to do near Nashville" - about 43 miles away, or so. Being English, the only stuff I knew about this urban legend was from the movie "An American Haunting"...so we went to find out the 'truth'We did the joint cabin & cave tour for $18; we were the only visitors there at the time, so had a private tour; score!!!The gentleman showed us around the replica cabin, where you are guided around four separate rooms, listening to an audio guide in three of them and then guided around artefacts in the fourth. This basically tells you the story of the Bell Witch. The gentleman is willing to answer any questions you may have and has a fascinating personality (I can see why some on here think he is rude, but I don't think it's intentional or deliberate) This probably only lasts 20 minutes.His wife guides you around the cave; this lasts about 40 minutes. She explains all of the sightings and 'things' that have happened in the cave, but openly says she doesn't believe much of it herself, except for one weird thing that she witnessed once. The cave is really interesting. Totally uncommercialised and natural. BE SURE TO WEAR GOOD TRAINERS...not flip flops or sandals, due to lose rocks on the floor and water. The cave features some (non-poisonous) spiders and one or two bats flying around, which add to the experience. The lady is ever so lovely and answered all of our questions. Really hospitable. Had a good time and it's worth seeing the cave if you're in the area and have the time. NB: the cave is shut after heavy rain, due to flooding. NB: for other British folk - this would never be allowed to happen in England, the rocks/water/low ceilings without railings, hard hats etc are a health & safety nightmare, but IT IS SAFE!!!NB: the film Hollywoodises everything! Enjoy!
  • AmberS731
    My family and I had a well planned road trip set. First stop - Bell Witch Cave. We drove 230 miles off of our course and out of the way to visit here. We seen the website and we had to go. Learned about it in history from school. We were so EXCITED....BUT, we pull up and the gates were closed and locked ;( There wasn't a sign explaining why. There wasn't any notice on the website. I called the number on the sign a few times. All I got was an answering machine. We were sad. That was a wasted drive and we were a bit confused about what was going on. We drove to the nearest store and asked them if they knew anything about the cave and its closing. They said that they figured it had flooded due to the rain a couple of days ago. Really?! I wish they could have at least made that their message on the answering machine. Maybe saved a little time on our trip for other things. But, maybe one day....I would really love to drive back out with my kids again to see the cave. I did however leave my name and number as a message when I called.
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