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the marble gallery

the marble gallery

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • T-Bone
    The gallery is a sweet little shop with plenty of work from local artist. I expected to only find sculptures but they had all sorts works. The shop manager was vrey sweet to talk to as well.
  • 1KeriBarnes
    I was sooo in awe at the beauty in each piece. These artist are zoo spectacular, I am jealous since I can't carve a butter flower. Nice to meet you who were there after my tour on the mountain.
  • BAHnOsceola
    heading to Marble to check out the area, since I haven't been in 20+ years.. and ran across this gallery with the marble sculptures outside. WOW.. here is some good work.. albeit a bit pricey.The Villalobos own the gallery, which is quite impressive. A pair of brothers do most of the carvings, but there are others as well. All from local marble, the carvings are mostly pristine white and eye-catching to say the least. The only problem is that the prices are a bit much.. ranging up to $100K (yep) for some incredible work ("Greed") to wildlife figurines you will see around Colorado. My favorite is the trout.This gallery is as good as any you would find in a large city.. but located in tiny Marble, Colorado. It's a lot of fun to walk around and look.. which is encouraged. Christy is the contact person. Have pictures but seems I am not able to download them. check out their website.
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