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wertheim national wildlife refuge

wertheim national wildlife refuge

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • EzraB63
    The Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge was a very relaxing and peaceful experience. If you are looking to get away for a day to walk through hiking trails, see protected wildlife and experience nature, this is good place to come. I decided to visit in the month of Feb 2015, which is full of thick snow through the trails and there is some bird wildlife. However, I would suggest visiting from April until Fall each year, which it is guaranteed the weather will be warm, most wildlife will be out and it easier to walk through. In addition, I would also suggest a bottle of water and a snack, because the refuge visitor center does not offer food and the walking trails are long. Also be wary of spider size ticks during the warmer weather seasons with long pants and shirts and long socks with thick shoes (no sandals). Expect to stay more than 2-3 hours because the walking trails are actually longer than the map depicts. I also did the White Oak Trail and I was very tired getting back to the visitor center, granted I did spend extra time taking wildlife photos. For me, it was hard seeing much wildlife, because forest trails blocks off most visuals towards the wetlands. Enjoy!
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