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four dances recreation area

four dances recreation area

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • stanmt
    Good place to walk near town and see the native vegetation. There are porta potty type toilets and no water. If it is the least bit warm be sure to bring water. You can stay on fairly level ground or hike a few hundred feet down to the Yellowstone River.
  • JessicaD451
    We went geocashing and there were 5 in this section. The park is just kind of there. Its got a picnic area with a roof. You can see the town of Billings from here.
  • TrueTexasTraveler
    The views are stunning when you hike out to the bluffs, and look out over the Yellowstone River. The other trail down to the river is a serious hike, with a sharp drop in elevation, and a steep climb back up. If you only have time for one trail, stay up on the bluffs. The area is steeped in Native American history, so be sure and read the information at the trail head. It's also the best place in Billings to watch the sun set.
  • EcoArtTraveler
    The views are what make this place great, and there are Native American stories that enrich the experience of standing on the spot where momentous events occurred.
  • RobertaN1
    We enjoyed hiking in Four Dances RA, climbing up to the ridge line and dropping down toward the river. We were on our way to Yellowstone, and considered this a "warm-up" hike. It definitely got our hiking legs going with the hills, and we enjoyed the views of the Billings area from the clifftops. We got to watch a hawk riding the thermals near the cliff walls, and were happy to get out to move after sitting in the car for such a long drive.
  • Dave206
    This place is easily accessible off Coburn Rd and is on the way to the pictograph caves so you can easily do both in a couple hours as we did. No amenities at this site, so bring water. A 5 min hike up to the bluff gives great views of the Yellowstone river and Billings valley. A longer walk (or run as we needed the exercise) down to the river is an option. We did both trails but stopped short of the river bottom as it was prime rattlesnake time and didn't want to risk it.
  • FridayTravel
    This is a great view of the city, looking northwest over the power plant and the refinery! But if you have the legs it is a unique place to access the river also, just be careful and watch for snakes and nesting birds in the spring/early summer.
  • The_traveller2670
    Well this place is satisfactory but not that overwhelming as expected. Over all not back to visit again.
  • BLatty
    Don't be fooled by the unassuming entrance to this nature area. Hike the short distance up the hill for a fantastic view of the Yellowstone River and the hills and mountains. The two most interesting views were on the south spur trail and on the river trail. The river trail is definitely more rugged, though, so if you don't like uneven terrain, skip that. I imagine that if you sit patiently, you may see wildlife. We encountered one falcon and a pretty large beetle. Listened to some songbirds, too. Bring your children if you have good control of them. If not, skip this site as there are no safety rails. I had no problem with my two grade schoolers. When we arrived in Billings on an unexpected layover, everyone told us to hike the Rimrock trail. That was paved, next to a highway and full of garbage. Four Dances was much more our speed: few people, no litter, dirt trails, and limited vehicle noise. For our short stay in Billings, this was by far the best thing we could do (and it was free)! If you have trouble finding it, head up Coburne toward the Pictograph Caves state park and watch for the entrance on the right shortly before the antennae farm. Couldn't find it on a Google map search though.
  • Dick43_11
    A great walking area with fantasic views of the City and surrounding country.This is locally known as Sacrifice Cliff where Native Americans committed suicide by riding their horses off the cliff after returning from a hunting trip to find their village decimated by smallpox.
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